Help on making a cutscene intro


I’m trying to create an into for my game but don’t know where to start. I’ve tried using cutscene editor, but its broken. I’ve looked far and wide on youtube and google, but all the tutorials i’ve tried are broken. If there are any plugins or methods anyone could aid me with, please do! I don’t have a lot of time to work with.

It looks like the above, and when you enter the game, I want it to FOV on a certain area (i’ve already inserted a brick facing the direction i want it to be at, its called IntroBrick. The FOV is set at 20 here.) I then want it, when a button is pressed, to jump to the player’s view.


Start by defining your requirements and making an attempt on your own to do this. Sounds like TweenService would help you out well here.


Loomian Legacy (I use this game a lot as a comparison, sorry lol) has a great cutscene mechanism in place. And if you played Brick Bronze from before it got terminated then you will get where I am coming from even more. The cutscene itself is just camera manipulation - yes you have your brick facing the desired direction, you just need to tween a CFrame to be moving from Point A to Point B - whether it’s a rotation, position change, or both. CFrame has a built in lerp function I believe, but TweenService has a lot of options available. You could always tween it yourself with a loop but if you are handling multiple cutscenes it gets tedious, just use the available tweening functionality Roblox gives us.

With that said, there are some tutorials on how to make a camera but I guess you have looked and come across some pretty useless ones. I too actually looked for some things and eventually gave up since it isn’t really something core to Roblox games, as you might guess. I instead ended up playing around with the camera and it’s been a while, so I don’t really have any specific tips. I endorse what colbert2677 said as well, try to play around with the parameters and see where that takes you.

Obviously if you are in a rush and have no time for experimentation, I understand why you are asking for help with something as general as this - but that would be good to know in your post :wink:


I did attempt one, but it didn’t work. Ended up rage quitting it. I also don’t have that much time. :confused:


Yeah I don’t have that much time to play around with actually, so I’m looking for a quick solution to the problem. As I said above I already tried.

If your time is so limited, post on #collaboration:recruitment and hire a programmer directly. This is not a spoon-feeding forum, there are many other duplicate posts about “cutscenes” IE;

That’s just a FEW DevForum posts I found about your topic that was posted about way too many times.

Here is some YouTube videos;

Before you post please save everyone including yourself some time and check if there is already a topic that was posted that you’re trying to get help on.



Don’t you think it hasn’t occurred for me to search the internet for this BEFORE posting? Quite ironic how the suggestions you’ve given me have had people “spoonfeeding” the questionees.

Anyway, I’ve literally tried all of these, they either are broken completely or don’t do what I desire. I’m not going to hire people from here as they usually charge excessive amounts.


This is your problem, not the DevForum. It isn’t people’s responsibility to spoon feed you code. If you checked that detailed YouTube tutorial, it works fine, there are no issues within it whatsoever. You just need time and effort, instead of coming onto the DevForum and asking to be spoon-fed code, we’ve all done it before, but that isn’t the right thing to do, this will not help you learn at all ( if that is your goal ). That will get it done for you, and get you a functional system to use, but you wouldn’t have learned the roots and how it actually works.


May you provide your code please.

I have watched camera manipulations tutorials
By xxxloyd and none of them are broken, you either didn’t payed attention or you are doing something wrong.

And there are currently no working plugins for making cutscenes


I don’t want to be “spoon-fed”, I’d like to learn how to do it. I know how to script, but I don’t know how to tween stuff, thats why I’m asking. The page where Tweening is explained isn’t helpful in my opinion.

1 Like This is the video i’ve been following. xxxloyd’s video isn’t want I want to do.

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Show your attempt then? If you don’t have that much time then you shouldn’t be bothering with this right now. Things take time and effort and if you are unwilling to give either of those, then you aren’t going to learn anything. Read the page and make an attempt.

One of the best ways to learn is if you just put your hands on the table and play around instead of being told how to do something. If you don’t understand then you might be lacking fundamental knowledge about the language which you need to go back and learn.

Don’t try higher-level things if you aren’t going to be able to even lay down a base example or attempt to do this on your own first. We can give you the answer but that doesn’t help you learn anything. The page is very helpful so all you need to do is figure out how to apply it.

You’re going to be performing camera manipulation using TweenService in order to have the screen pan places, so you’ll be using TweenService as your way of gliding between certain nodes in order to create a cutscene of some kind. Other implementation details apply.


Was actually going to reply right now to this:

local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local part = game.Workspace.FocusHere

cam.CameraType = 'Attach'

cam.CameraSubject = part


cam.CoordinateFrame = +,0,7))

cam.CameraType = 'Scriptable'

It works, but I want to exit out of it when a button is pressed on a GUI. How should I do it?

Tree looks like this:

I would also like to set the FOV, so could you link me to a page that explains it or suggests how I would do it?

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Two things to address about your implementation:

  • You will probably want to use the Scriptable CameraType here, not Attach. Scriptable is mostly intended for if you want full control over the camera without the PlayerModule allowing panning abilities or anything.

  • CoordinateFrame is deprecated in favour of CFrame for the sake of consistency. Just change the property you’re using, you’ll see no difference.

The next thing is to address, well, what you’re looking for instead. I’m not sure if you’re looking for just a “cutscene” or if you’re attempting to position the camera for a menu of some sort. If you’re just harbouring one static view of the map, that’s not quite a cutscene.

So, again, you should be defining your requirements first when you come across a problem and then work towards that. Think: what do you have now? What do you want?

Based on the question “I want to exit out of it when a button is pressed on a GUI. How should I do it?”, perform some searches. First thing you’ll need to know is how to utilise a button in the first place and according to the hierarchy it’s an ImageButton, so look through its page for events you can connect to in order to determine when a player clicked a button.

Next thing is wanting to know how to exit out of the camera’s current view and restore it back to normal. Reverse your operations then such that the camera’s properties match their original state. The CameraType should be Custom and the CameraSubject should be the LocalPlayer’s Character’s Humanoid.

From there, any additional affects require your own effort. For example, you want to change the field of view. If you spend a few 5 seconds, you will notice there is a property in the Camera exactly called FieldOfView. Didn’t find it then? You could’ve on the Camera’s API page.

Make a plan - think of your question, define your requirements, look at your objects, set out to search, make an attempt even if it goes horribly wrong. Keep repeating this process many times until you’re sure you’ve exhausted your resources, then a thread is okay for something like this.


I would recommend to hire someone to do this for you, the resources on wiki are very helpful and if you are struggling with implementing them or working with scripts there is not much others can help you with.

As to regards to your GUI simply have the camera launch whenever the player joins the game and have a detection whenever a player left clicks on the button to have their camera reset to their humanoid, more details on this can be found here:

Hope this helps.


Finally got it to work. This is for reference.

This tutorial helped:

Thanks for the help above, and it proves that I didn’t look well enough :face_with_monocle: