Help on ways to turn up brightness in SurfaceAppearence

Hello, I’ve been asking myself if it’s there a way to control brightness in a SurfaceAppearence. I would like it to be more “neon”, something that approaches the reference I’ve sent

Thanks for the help!

mmmmmmmmm I dunno… I don’t think so…Since surface appearance doesn’t really vibe with neon.

But! But! If you

  • Duplicate the mesh,
  • get rid of the surface appearance,
  • and make it neon.

Then make the original ever so slightly transparent I think you can get the effect you are looking for.

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Thanks for the answer! Unfortunately It doesn’t seem to work well due to this weird transparency glitch


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did u try set the color of the surface apearance to 900 then press enter?

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No. Roblox doesn’t support emission maps. #Innovation #Metaverse

aww… does it do that at every transparency? (while still looking good.)

Do you think it you’d behave differently if it was glass? (glass material tends to have funky behavior)

Do you think it would still have the same problem if the neon mesh had its normals inverted?

The only other way that comes to mind is like, making the texture more white(?) maybe? and like turn up the bloom in your lighting settings (however this will affect the whole map)

Or you could like, make a small light (idk what type) and give it a very small range so it only lights up the flower.

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Just tried that, the color turned into default white

does turn surfaceappear to color mode or was it, and then setting materail a neon?