Help to make custom character animations in Blender and export to Roblox Studio (No bones)

Well, I’ll be quick, I exported my custom model to Roblox Studio, the model works, but what I have done all this time is put Joints to join the MeshParts in Roblox Studio and I have done the animations in Moon Animator, but now I found out that there are a “Blender Animations” plugin with which you can specifically import animations (and not import bones), the problem is that I don’t know how it works, since I tried it and it didn’t work, because in Blender I have joined the objects with Bones and made a simple animation to test, I followed a Youtube tutorial, but the animation didn’t play

Another thing is that I rename all the objects exported to Roblox Studio, for example in Blender to keep it in order it is called “Model_TheGreatCrystal_Arm_L” and in Roblox I call it “Arm_L” only, and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, that the Plugin detects the movement of objects with the parts of the same name, since the animation is exported without the need for bones, something unthinkable

I don’t have images since I deleted the models after they were ruined and looked horrible, but this is the tutorial:

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