Help with a script (velocity and stuff)

Hey developers!

I am creating a Spirit Bomb script, I want it to go where the player’s mouse is (it’s supposed to go to the ground), I tried to do it but is becoming hard, can someone help?

Put this in a local script, then you could use a remote event to tell the server to place the bomb:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
      local mouseray = mouse.UnitRay 
	local ignorelist = {}  --you can leave blank, but put anything here you want the ray to ignore
	local castray =, mouseray.Direction * 1000) --create a ray from the mouse
	local hit, position = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(castray, ignlist)
        if hit then
               print(hit)   --will print what the mouse is pointing toward
               print(position) --will print the position of the mouse in the workspace
               --run code to place bomb,  maybe like:
              --local bombclone = game.ReplicatedStorage.Bomb:Clone()
             -- bombclone.Position = position
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