Help With Character Stuck Inside Moving Platform

hey, I want to make players stay on the moving platform, I used the welding method but it didn’t go well…

here’s the video of the problem:

here are the files:

can someone help me fix that or give me another way to make the players not fall out the platform while its moving

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Make a new Part and weld it to the moving one. Then Weld the HumanoidRootPart to the new Part.

Also don’t forget to turn off CanCollide on the new Part, so that wont happend again. And make the new Part big enough for 1 player to fit in.

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i will try it, do you have another way to make that? or easier way?

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Not easier, but you could loop teleport a player onto the plattform. That wouldn’t look that smooth though.

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You are welding the HumanoidRootPart to the moving part so its going to go down and be stuck… trying welding the RightLeg or LeftLeg instead.

or you could reduce the power of the body position to prevent the character from falling off

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but if the character is R6 Or R15?

R6 = [“Left Leg”]
R15 = RightFoot

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but i mean how to difene it in the script:

Weld.Part0 = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Left Leg” or “RightFoot”)


It depends what rigtype your game uses.

R6 does not have realistic animations but R15 does so you should be able to know which one you are using.

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when you said:

“or you could reduce the power of the body position to prevent the character from falling off”

you mean the dampening factor?

because the power is not working(doing not what i want)

Yes, you could try changing the dampening property… Just experiment with it.

it’s not working too.

wait I have a question:

can I put the attachment on the player’s right leg and to the platform?

also what you said weld Rightfoot not working too

Get rid of the touch ended event just to check.

i did what you said and it’s looking horrible

i just want player not fall from the moving platform…so hard to make this come true…
i am trying and can’t do that simple thing

can you make example rbx file? please i will appreciate it a lot if you could do that

It seems like the bodygyro needs to do its work, set the MaxTorque of the bodygyro to inf on all axis so it does not allow the moving part to rotate.

still the moving part is rotating. i set all axis to inf

Okay, trying setting the maxforce of bodyposition to inf too.

still my character falling down :frowning: