Im gna be making alot of abilities for my game, how would i go about making the remote events, do i have 1 that i pass everything thru, 1 for every class, 1 for every player or 1 for every ability
Actually, it’s 1 for every script task required. There is no concrete rule to the holistic idea. It could possibly require about more than 1 remote for each ability, for instance.
I definitely would not do a remote event for every skill in your game because that would be very costly for the memory in your game.
I’ve only made one moveset before so my method probably isnt the most efficient, but I use a module script for every set of moves (for e.g lightning, i had three moves and an ultimate and the code for those moves were all inside the module script.
its pretty simple
I fire a remote event everytime a player presses one of the skill keybinds
a server script that receives the remote gets the moveset that the player has.
require the module script and calls the move in the server script
That way I only have to use a single remote event
im guessing 1 for every moveset right?
You can do that but I used one for every time a player presses one of the skill keybinds. For example the player has z,x,c,v as their skill 1, 2, 3, ultimate and I have a local script that detects whenever they press one of the keybinds, then fires a single remote I named “movement” which passes through the skill number the player wants to cast. For example the player presses the z key which is skill 1, it would fire “skill one” to the server. The server would then get the move set that the player has then require the module script for the player then cast the skill.
You can take a look at my scripts
local script under startcharacterscripts
local keybinds = {
[Enum.KeyCode.R] = "Reload",
[Enum.KeyCode.F] = "Dash",
[Enum.KeyCode.Z] = "Skill1",
[Enum.KeyCode.X] = "Skill2",
[Enum.KeyCode.C] = "Skill3",
[Enum.KeyCode.V] = "Ultimate",
[Enum.KeyCode.E] = "PickUp"
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, typing)
if typing then return end
local char = Player.Character
local weapon = char:GetAttribute("CurrentGun")
local movement = keybinds[input.KeyCode]
-- Keyboard Inputs
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
if movement then
local mousePos = player:GetMouse()
Remote:FireServer(movement, mousePos.Hit.Position)
Server script under serverscriptservice
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SSS = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local PlayerDataHandler = require(SSS.PlayerDataHandler)
local WeaponsModule = require(SS.WeaponStats.ModuleScript)
local PlayerSkillModule = {}
local Remotes = RS.Remotes
local updateHeat = Remotes.updateHeat
local Movement = Remotes.Movement
local Skill1Anim = {}
local Skill2Anim = {}
local Skill3Anim = {}
local UltimateAnim = {}
local SkillStats
local PlayerSkills = {}
local Skill1Debounce = {}
local Skill2Debounce = {}
local Skill3Debounce = {}
local UltimateReady = {}
Movement.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, keypressed, mousePos)
local keybind = PlayerDataHandler:Get(plr, "keybinds")
local char = plr.Character
local hum = plr.Character.Humanoid
PlayerSkills[plr] = PlayerDataHandler:Get(plr, "Skill")
local skill = PlayerSkills[plr]
SkillStats = WeaponsModule.GetStats(PlayerSkills[plr])
PlayerSkillModule[plr] = require(SS.Skills:FindFirstChild(skill).ModuleScript)
if keypressed == "Skill1" and not Skill1Debounce[plr] then
Skill1Debounce[plr] = true
PlayerSkillModule[plr]:MissleLaunch(plr, mousePos)
while Skill1Debounce[plr] do
Skill1Debounce[plr] = false
if keypressed == "Skill2" and not Skill2Debounce[plr] then
Skill2Debounce[plr] = true
while Skill2Debounce[plr] do
Skill2Debounce[plr] = false
if keypressed == "Skill3" and not Skill3Debounce[plr] then
Skill3Debounce[plr] = true
while Skill3Debounce[plr] do
Skill3Debounce[plr] = false
if keypressed == "Ultimate" then
if you have any question please ask I left some things out because my reply would be too long
I use profile service instead of datastore and use the :Get function to get the player’s moveset. You obv dont need to use profile service
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