Help with sizing tool with players size

So we’ve all played these weight lifting games at least once, to practice my skill, I’m currently working on scripting one, scripting it from the ground up. I’ve made so the player get’s bigger when the player gets strength. But I haven’t managed to make the players different tools that the player can buy to size with the player, i have no idea how to do it, i’ve tried it now for about 3 hours and haven’t got any success.

Any help would be amazing, thanks!
(if you need screenshots, code or anything to help, just comment :slight_smile: )

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what do you mean by

i don’t understand what you mean here

The player can buy different tools / dumbells that gives the player different amount of strength.
I want the player’s dumbell to get bigger when the player get’s bigger.
and that is what i can’t do

you should of searched before making this post.

I’ve tried to search, didnt come up any, but thanks, i’ll check it

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try resizing the meshpart (if you use a meshpart for the handle) when the player sizes up, but make it smaller than the player’s size-up amount

every tool has different amount of MeshParts in them, so therefor i used For i, v in pairs(tool:GetChildren())

but since i need to scale different dumbells differently, its hard, since i need alot of if and elseifs, etc.


this is how the dumbells are built, but i need to size most parts different than others, so it wont work

try parenting all of the other meshparts to the handle and only resize the handle

I’ll try that, thanks. ill update.

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doesnt work because it only selects the handle and not the rest of the parts.

i did it, added a fake handle that the player holds in, everything else in a model and rezizing the model with some calculations


Could just increase the tool’s handle’s size to scale with the character model’s size.