Help with water render distance

I am trying to make a script that adds render distance to water. I tried using streaming enabled for that but it always loaded the water fully. And since i am trying to make a huge water map i need help with the render distance for water. How could i do it?

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Terrain water?
Part water?
Skinned MeshPart water?

What exactly do you mean by render distance? Do you want the water to appear endless? Do you use parts and you want to only render in ones that are close like StreamingEnabled?

Since it’s Scripting Support we can’t help without seeing your script. Please Copy/Paste it here with 3 backticks (```) before and after the script so it formats properly.

I am using roblox’s water. I just want it to dissapear when ur further away

You sure streaming enabled didn’t work? Maybe try lowering your graphics quality.

i wanna make it so even with high graphics the water will not fully load

Then thats just not what Streaming Enabled is meant to do.

Now, the question is, WHY do you want them to unload even on high graphics? You can definitely do so simply by deleting and re-adding terrain that is far/close to the player, but I see no reason for you to be doing that anyways.

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because the map will be huge. I tried doing it normaly and it took studio 20 minutes to playtest the game. I am making a ship game where you drive ships.

Most likely speaking, you simply shouldn’t be using that high of a graphics quality setting if you’re computer takes 20 minutes to playtest the game.

Also, playtesting the game requires your computer to act as both the server and the client, and I’m pretty sure the server always has the map loaded or something.

Otherwise, you want to make a chunk-based loading system which would only spawn the terrain if someone is close to it. Theres many tutorials on that and I genuinly haven’t even attempted to make one ever, so I doub’t I can help with the specifics on that.

Alright Thank you for trying to help tho

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When you say ‘huge’ we don’t know what you mean. If you have a close estimate that’d be better.
Huge to you might be 10,000 studs across, while someone might consider huge 100,000 studs.
Have you changed the Properties of StreamingEnabled, or just left them as the default settings.
Try testing a place that has that much water without any other models, parts or scripts in the workspace to see if the water is actually the problem. If it loads in fine you may have another issue with the other stuff in your workspace.
You can do the opposite as well, no water, just your models and scripts, so see how long it takes for that stuff to load in.