Hexagone! A Game of Territory Conquest!

Hello, hello!

Lately, I’ve been creating a ‘revamp’ of one of my favourite strategy games, Territory Conquest. If you haven’t already, and are interested in strategy games which lean more on the simplistic side, do give it a play; it’s incredibly fun and honestly, addicting.
You may also have seen a similar topic to this, which was created on a different account of mine. I apologise for a duplicate. Since then, I have once again decided to rewrite the game (I swear this is probably the 3rd time).

The only differing quality of this rendition is the use of uniform hexagons for territories, as opposed to arbitrarily sized parts. In theory, I believe this to give each player a fair beginning.

The goal of the game is simple:
Use your troops to conquer as many territories as you can, ultimately expanding your kingdom. Along the way, forge alliances or wage wars on other players; perhaps even deceive them.

Gameplay is relatively straightforward. Unlike other strategy games (not all, but a lot), there is little to wrap your noggin’ around in order to play and enjoy it. While this is one of the reasons I love the original game so much, I do want to explore ideas in order to provide a wee’ bit more depth to it.

Here is a short video of gameplay:

I have a paywall to prevent unnecessary dislikes as the game’s still a work in progress, but, if you are interested in giving it a little play, you can do so here.

tl;dr: I’m making a game. It’s based on my favourite strategy game on Roblox, Territory Conquest; a simple RTS. I thought sharing it here would help motivate me to finish it, and help me receive ideas on how to improve upon it.
Also, you might like it.

Cheers for reading,


Disclaimer: I have made the bold move to port the existing codebase to Rojo, utilise GitHub and use Fusion for the UI. This is merely to test out a different workflow (specifically Rojo and GitHub, but I’ve been enjoying Fusion a lot). However, this will unquestionably put a dampener on when this game will actually become playable, and for that, I apologise.

This reply will serve as the changelog for this project and will be updated frequently.

  • Added Merging Armies:
    When close enough, armies of troops will merge together to create one larger army. Armies will only merge together if they are destined for the same territory.

  • Added Decimal Fraction Implementation for Sending Troops
    You can now input a decimal fraction into the Troop Send options to send a percentage of your army instead (e.g. 0.5 will send half your army, 0.25 will send a quarter of your army).

  • Added Troop Movement Speed:
    The movement speed of troops is now commensurate with the troop’s size (larger armies will move significantly slower than smaller ones).

  • Added Auto-Reinforcement:
    Press R (default) with any number of selected territories, and a target territory, to automatically reinforce it every turn where there is sufficient troops to send.
    Auto-Reinforcement Demo.

  • Added Alliances:
    Form a temporary or permanent alliance with another player (kingdom). Your troops will not attack and instead reinforce an ally’s territory and vice versa. A temporary alliance can be terminated once the duration (minimum of 5 minutes) has passed.


  • Added Neutral AI:
    Neutrals will begin to attack a territory of yours if they have enough troops to conquer it. They perform this check each game turn (every 10 seconds), and when a territory’s occupancy changes. Neutrals will not attack your Capital, and they will currently only invade a territory within the same region .