Hey! Could someone do this, and how much would it cost?

Hey! :slight_smile:

I was wondering if anyone could make me a Currency system that has a wallet and a bank, you start off with 0 cash and get 350 cash every 10 minutes, how much would it cost for someone to do that with a working atm to put it in the bank? MODEL FOR ATM NOT REQUIRED.

Thanks, Oliver

DM Me or Message, vini#4000


Sent you a request on discord cant wait to talk!

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I would probably charge like 4000-6000 however thatโ€™s negotiable and since Iโ€™m really just looking for things to put on my portfolio i could do it for a good bit less

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I could do everything for 2000 R$. Also, I would recommend only making one post per commission, instead of making three.