Hey, I am having issues importing blender models into Roblox. Even after fixing Model Normals

Hello developers!

I have been working on models in Blender for a while, now and it seems like sometimes when I try to import a model into Blender. It has either shading problems or other issues. Even after the fact that I fix all the Face Normals in Blender.

Here is an example for you.

This picture shows what Blender shows me. (With Face orientation.)

But When I import it into Studio, some parts are still not corrected faced when importing it. No I did not change any face orientation. This is how it comes.

And Yes I know you can double-sided the mesh, but when coloring or importing it into a different game. The shading breaks.

Any possible explanation? Or is it just a studio bug I have to deal with?
Or am I missing something? This has only been happening to me recently.


Same issue as:

I’d recommend working on your meshes with backface culling always on

Its not that. I know about Flipped normal issue. But I already flipped the normals before hand. (As shown in first picture.)

This happens when I import it into studio.

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I found the solution to this problem by troubleshooting myself.

The issue is with applying the Scale Inside Blender.

I didn’t apply all transformations in Blender by pressing (Cntrl + A) > Scale
(Make sure you select all the active meshes you want to fix.)

Which led me to be able to see the broken mesh in my model.

Afterward, just Recalculate Normals by going into Edit Mode and pressing:
(Alt + N > Recalculate Outside.)|

And now when I import it, it works perfectly In Roblox!
No more shading problems or needing to use double-sided meshes!

So now I know to always apply scale to my models before importing them!


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