I’m creating a Christmas-themed minigame game, but I can’t find out a way to hide the lobby when the players are in a map without removing it with a LocalScript. I’ve tried moving the map far away, but the lobby still renders. I’m inexperienced with this and your help would be appreciated! ^-^
Map (the SpawnLocations are teleporter placeholders and disabled):
Lobby and Map:
Both can be moved around freely.
@LilLuvberd Alright thats easy, In explorer, In Workspace, Set FallenpartsDestroyHeight to -1000 (For a reason)
And Move the lobby Below the map, & disable shadows for the Map, or make artificial Lighting for the lobby (aka make a big light above the lobby to get great lighting)
By moving the lobby below the map, They would have to get out of bounds of the map, to see the lobby
My concern is if people in the lobby look up
Then, There is 1 way, but you would have to experiment
Set the Move tools Move Amount to 1000 And move the lobby like 10K studs away from the map
you could try making it teleport you to a place.
@LilLuvberd With my thing, if you can still see either the map or lobby, from the other one (like Lobby from Map, & map From lobby) then you move them further apart.
Publishing Experiences and Places | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. Here is a bit more about them if you don’t know what they are.
I would do that, but I want everything in one place for convience of both me and the players
It takes about 10 seconds to load into a place, and many big games do this. The players would not mind. It would also reduce lag in your game. The amount of inconvenience for you depends on the game.
Is this just a Studio thing? They’re 10,240 studs apart
If you don’t have much skill in scripting than you can simply use the drag and move one of the 2. This will make one go really far away.
Couldn’t you just use a script to make it transparent?
Use GetChildren (presuming this is in a model) and in a for loop set each transparency to 1, then 0 for when the round finishes.
Move the map and lobby ~10k studs apart of each other, if you want you can modify the max zoom cap lower so players can’t zoom out as far outside the map. I suggest making them also on the same height so they can’t glance up and see it. If there is a point higher than map walls then I suggest you don’t do this
You can somewhat replicate sky by creating a part with reflectance 1.
You can change your fog amount to somewhere near 1000 it might help, Or you could turn your games rendering distance down.
How would you turn the render distance down? I’ve looked around Properties of different default instances and haven’t seen anything
File >> Studio Settings >> Rendering (Ignore the message that tells you not to mess with the rendering settings) >> Quality Level – Turn it down to about 10. Hope this helps