Hide Parts | Easily hide parts and models to make building easier!

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You ever build inside a cramped building? Its the WORST which is why I built a plugin to hide parts and models like walls and ceilings. This makes it so the parts basically dont exist (Parents them to a folder in ReplicatedStorage). Don’t worry about publishing or closing studio with hidden parts I designed this in a way that you can save, close studio, open it again, and you wont lose the parts you can always unhide them again. Here is part hiding in action:

This is a simple yet useful plugin. I also made it so that it’ll memorize the parent the parts previously had so it gets re-parented to its previous parent when unhidden. If that parent no longer exists it’ll find the closest descendant to re-parent to.

This plugin also lets you easily set keybind shortcuts so you can hide and unhide parts without even opening the plugin! You can also disable keybinds if you don’t want them!

If this plugin interests you. Look below this message and click on the blue download button to get your hands on it yourself!

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This plugin is a feature taken from a multi-tool plugin that includes over 10+ plugins all in one. I decided to make it its own plugin as a cheaper alternative for those who only want this feature specifically. If you are interested in the plugin it came from (which offers a much better deal) you can view it here: Yoolurs Builder v2 (10+ Plugins in one!)


This is actual pretty useful! I hate when walls get in the way of me building so this will help!