Hiding topbar fails to hide all coregui elements (account over/under 13 yrs)

If you run

game.StarterGui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)

all of the coregui elements except the account over 13 yrs gui get hidden

This seems like unintended behavior, as disabling the topbar is meant to hide all coregui elements along with it


Well, we are all hoping this is unintended… ROBLOX may actually want this to happen ;(

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I believe this is actually intended. You can see screenshots on the announcement thread without the topbar that still have it. I just wish I could move or change it or something because…

RIP user experience


Yeah, It covers our Custom Chatbox in Salvage. image.jpg


Dang. Update after update we have to keep changing our games to compensate for features we don’t even want… What’s the deal with bad changes recently?

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These changes are necessary. I’m assuming the addition of this “over/under 13” is so parents can make sure their child is playing on the correct settings, and ROBLOX can’t be held responsible if someone under 13 says they’re over 13.

EDIT: I understand it’s frustrating that these updates keep rolling out in small pieces, but that’s what’ll happen when something blows up as fast as ROBLOX has. They have to cover their butts as much as possible, especially to comply with COPPA


I don’t understand the intent of having it IN-GAME, but if we do need this eyesore, I think they need to make it either 13+ or >13 and just a symbol or something… I can’t believe we have to deal with stuff like this, its CLEARLY displayed on the website (now on every page too), and this ruins the whole reason we can disable the topbar anyway!

If topbar is enabled:

  • (default chat):
    Nothing should be shown, if the user isn’t over 13 (or has chat restrictions) then DONT DISPLAY THE CHAT, that can clearly let you know that the kid is not using the chat

  • (custom chat);
    Games will get taken down if they don’t comply with the new rules, so there is no reason an indicator is needed

If the topbar is disabled:

  • Nothing should be shown on the topbar (ANYTHING), but once again, if there is a custom chat in the game and it doesn’t follow rules, the game will get taken down anyway.

This indicator of age isn’t needed INGAME at all. Although, I do think its a good idea to have it on the website, as that helps ROBLOX prove they were on certain settings.

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Parents can not visually see this information if their child is in-game, is what I’m saying. I agree with you that it’s a little excessive, however I think with the recent media blasts ROBLOX has been getting this is a perfect way to cover all ends. It’s pretty small and honestly, not a huge deal. We have to remember we’re developing on ROBLOX’s platform, so whether or not we think something is necessary isn’t really up to us: they’re the one’s that are taking the heat.

I’m starting to become afraid of this. We’re loosing a voice in some aspects of development and its starting to slowly seep through


If this icon is displayed w/ the topbar, then everyone knows their settings are 13+ / no chat restrictions

This is not a bug, it is intended behavior. See this thread for more information:

13+ and no chat restrictions are not the same thing though. As a parent, it is useful to know that your children’s chat is being filtered at a < 13 level instead of a > 13 level.

I’m going to agree with you on the point that I do think ROBLOX is not asking as for our opinions as much as they used too. I’m going to disagree on this particular one having anything to do with us. Like I said, this is necessary information to not only comply with COPPA but to ensure parents know their child is protected.[quote=“Dapale, post:10, topic:33891”]
If this icon is displayed w/ the topbar, then everyone knows their settings are 13+ / no chat restrictions
Parents don’t play ROBLOX. This gives them no information as to whether or not their child is playing on the correct age settings. Unfortunately, the split between Under and Over 13 is major. In many games (such as the old game, Toontown Online), Players under 13 weren’t even given the option to free-chat, but rather were forced to use pre-made chat selections. ROBLOX as a company made this decision for their company. I want their company to be successful, so I personally am thrilled by this addition.

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Alright, these points are valid and I know I have no voice in this change.

I just would like ROBLOX to please consider making the icon less of an eyesore… It looks really bad (especially for disabled topbar)

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Is there a reason for it to be forced on the topbar and not put somewhere less intrusive like the escape menu?

It would not be visible at a glance if it was in the escape menu.

So, can we cite this as the official reason why the feature is there, or are you just making a guess?

It’s also messing up the heath bar quite badly…


This is intended behavior - The health bar no longer shows unless you’ve taken damage by default.

Might be my personal preference but I always want my health showed.

It’s a configurable setting now! More info here: New Property: Enum.HumanoidHealthDisplayType Humanoid.HealthDisplayType