High ping across all Roblox Experiences

This issue just started occuring to me yesterday.

It also only occurs on roblox, no other games. Ping on the cloudflare speedtest is 20 ms, 21 ms on ookla.

Just want to add; When browsing servers, there was a recent update to add ping to server information, it displays itself as 74 ms (which is expected), but when entering game it jumps up to 500 and i often have lag sipkes.

I’ve already contacted support and am waiting for a response now.




This is still happening to me. it has happened for weeks. I dont know what to do. I have tried everything, updated drivers changed ethernet cable, tried using WiFi instead and nothing fixxes the issue. I hope there will be a fix for this soon. this has been going on for weeks now


It’s happening again. One of my games had 18K+ ping in M.S, only in roblox client, the studio was 50-90. :confused:


Our internet connection is great but im getting 2k ping :skull:

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very reasonable for rstudio to be that low since studio doesn’t use any of your connection, you can even play without internet and still having 30 - 90 ping

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It’s either a Roblox problem or an ISP issue. I get 200 ping in OCE servers despite living in Australia, and Singapore servers are very weird with high ping. Please Roblox, fix your servers man…


As a game developer, from the technical standpoint, you’ll have to create your own tools for measuring your game performance. One thing I never see mentioned in these types of topics is how busy the server itself is. Sometimes, the server has plenty of resources and the game moves fast. Other times, the server is so over-loaded with whatever, the game slows to a crawl and it gives the illusion that everyone has a high ping. Measuring ping is a good start, at least the players won’t blame your game, but if you aren’t factoring in the CPU usage of your server, plus the CPU usage of the client, plus the delay in ping, everyone will be just chasing an impossible problem to solve. I let my players see both client and server CPU load if they wish, helps to iron out what is an actual game bug and what is just Roblox being a little over-loaded during high play times. :grin:

Thats the same issue for me. Any other competitive game i play i get between 20-30 ping maybe even 40 on a bad day, but for Roblox no matter the experience, i get between 100-300 ping average. Its really weird, its definitely not my wifi.
I should be on NAE servers cause im in Ontario, still get high ping.
Maybe its a Roblox server issue/connection problem.

Routing to india server here in sweden here is also very weird, getting 300+ ping, did a traceroute and it seems like twelve99 is routing me to USA before going back to india with as6453, further checked the peering and it seems like they have not peered the india server with any other networks than tata.

Not sure if this is related to your problems, it could be a network congestion on your ISP’s side, or bad routing like in my case above.

Same thing here. Been lagging randomly in some experiences. Ping average is above 100-300 ms of what it should be. (140 on this server for example)

Same server a few minutes later.

I ran a traceroute myself and I searched up all the IPs it returned, and they’re all in Australia. So I feel like it isn’t that the route is going to the US but more of it being slow? Idk, I’m not good at networking.