Highlight feature bug

Okay, so I made a script that highlights objects via the clone() function.
it works on pc, you can see it but on mobile (iPhone X) you cant see the highlight.

How did you make the highlight?

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Stored a highlight in a folder, made a script loop thorugh parts and clone the highlight to them

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I have posted about this here:

For me its the outline property, so my workaround was to use the regular fill property on a very high transparency and it acted light enough to suffice but not outlined… until they fix.


From what I could discover, apparently users noted that:

  • There are around 31 highlight instances as maximum, unsure if ROBLOX will plan to expand their maximums on how many instances can be added at once.

  • Apparently Tablet and Phone don’t work from what others could tell, but this isn’t exactly confirmed on my side. I’ll have to check that up later on my end.

  • The highlights themselves are very glitchy, sometimes they break really badly and swap highlight positions? (I’ve tested that because I’m attempting a Highlight based map to avoid the fog and red tints from ruining the immersion).

In other ways, I’m not sure what else to note, but I’ll keep updates if ROBLOX does something about this or if there’s anything else figured out as a solution.

You can get around this by grouping all objects that you want to have the same highlight into a model and only use one highlight instance.

This limit is there for a reason though, so use with caution!

Understandable! However, I did try to handle the different highlights to make different outlines to the furniture of the map because there was an issue with immersion with the fog and the coloration tint ruining the neon of the map (it was one of the first attempts without having to resort to highlighting).
Thank you for the suggestion, though!!

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Did you end up finding a fix to the bug of highlights somehow swapping highlight positions?