Highlight feature not working on actual mobile/tablet devices

I have played with the new Highlight instance, and although it works in Studio, in Emulator, and in Game on my computer, once publishing and testing with an actual tablet or mobile, it does not show up. Is there something I am unaware of? Has this feature not fully been released officially yet?

Anyone else having this issue? If it does work on mobile and tablet, please also reply so that I know that maybe its my specific application of the highlight.


Bumping this… really no one uses this feature and can confirm that it works on mobile?


Ok so it seems i’ve narrowed the issue down to only the outline property of the Highlight feature that doesn’t work on mobile or tablet… the fill property works and I will use this for now, but i will report the outline issue to @Bug-Support as well as this needs to be addressed.


It also does not appear for me on mobile.


same for me its super annoying


Same. I dont know why it doesnt work for mobile.


UPDATE: I have a workaround of using the fill property on the highest transparency (something like 0.95) and then the outline will show up. But without the fill being used, the outline won’t show on mobile or tablet.


I am having the same issue, and the workaround does not work for me. The fill works on mobile, but the outline does not.


Please fix this. I do not understand how this has been an issue for so long.

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A large feature of my game is completely unnoticeable on mobile, please fix this.

I also noticed that if you load up a game with highlights, and you leave the Roblox application and come back, sometimes the highlights will disappear, even on desktop. They take a few seconds to re-appear.


I was playing with some highlights and found that if I left the Roblox Studio application and came back that sometimes the highlights would turn brown and even if set to Occlusion mode, would be always on top. The fill would disappear, and I have no way of getting them back to normal, other than waiting or restarting the application.

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This is most likely for efficiency, Roblox probably made it so when focus is lost on Roblox, they stop rendering the highlights, until focus is regained. But clearly something is wrong in the process.

Blockquote UPDATE: I have a workaround of using the fill property on the highest transparency (something like 0.95) and then the outline will show up. But without the fill being used, the outline won’t show on mobile or tablet.

This solved the problem for me but I had to bump down the fill transparency to 0.87, it wouldn’t work if I had the transparency up any higher.

A compromise I had to do was add a IsMobile() check to bump the transparency down to 0.87 with the following code, leave the transparency at 1 on other devices (Source):

function IsMobile()
	if game:GetService("UserInputService").TouchEnabled and game:GetService("UserInputService").KeyboardEnabled == false then
		print("Mobile User")
		return true
		print("Probably not a Mobile User")
		return false

i can confirm it doesnt work on mobile for me either. its really sad because i like how it looks. i wanna use it for my all the characters in my game to have a cartoon style. another thing if any roblox staff are reading this could you please add a thickness setting there would be a set thickness so the farther away from the camera the character is the smaller/thinner the outline would be


yess. please roblox. im commenting on this to hopefully bump this in the algorithm my game loses its charm without the outlines. also if any roblox staff are reading this, please consider adding a thickness property that would be in studs or something. that way the farther away the character is the thinner the outline will be instead of it staying the same thickness as it does now

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I’m going to definitely bump this; it’s odd that the highlight feature doesn’t work on actual mobile or tablet devices. Please fix it, Roblox!

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Still waiting for this fix.

My game uses highlights as a very important core feature.


I just found out that it doesn’t work on Mac computers either. I hope Roblox will fix it ASAP.


I will need to check, its been working on my Mac for well over a year… will update this response after I check again.

Its still busted on mobile. Very irritating…