Highlights are not all shown when created in quick succession

When adding highlights in quick sucession, the highlights are not all replicated despite being enabled. When spawning them slower, it yields “better” results, but it still gives up around 1/3rd of the way.

The pictures comes from studio, but this happens in-game as well.

Reproduction place: Place.rbxl (72.7 KB)

Fast Generation:

Slower Generation:


There is a hard 31 limit on the amount of Highlight instances able to be displayed.

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It still happens outside of studio.
EDIT: Added pictures showing 10 total having highlight in-game.

Unclear wording then, perhaps? I never read it as ONLY studio having the Highlight limit. Either way this doesn’t look like a bug. More of a documentation issue.

The documentation is right about the 31 in studio, but it is wrong about it in-game. I’ve been testing and counting. In-game it reliably shows 25 highlights

Yeah, it seems to show only 25 highlights at the same time.

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