I have a place file that’s just an empty baseplate with a metric ton of character skins I’m using for my game
A good amount of the have custom scaling, some a bit smaller and some a bit larger
I have specifically set the hipheight of all of them
When I’m done with them I just ctrl+A the lot and paste them into the main place file
Sometimes when I save, quit, and reload the skin place file the hipheight has changed DRAMATICALLY
I mean from 1.35 to like 5+, and .4 for smaller characters
But ONLY on characters with custom scaling
I’m having this issue as of now. Any news? Whenever I load my place my NPCs with custom scaling the HipHeight keep changing. I think I can solve it by changing the scale AFTER the game loads instead of pre-scaling it in the studio. Still, I don’t think it should work like that.
On second review, I don’t think I’m seeing what you described. If I set the HipHeight on the model to 1.35 and cut and paste it back into the same file, the HipHeight does get adjusted to 1.418, but that is correct height for characters that are scaled to 1.05 height, which this character is.
Currently, when you adjust the scaling values of a Humanoid, it will recalculate the hip height based on those new scales to keep the avatar’s feet on the ground. Perhaps that is what people are seeing?
take a standard r15 character
set scaling to 1.1, observe hipheight (should be around 1.5)
save, close place
open place, observe hipheight
should be slightly bigger (around 1.7)
any subsequent save+reload of the place, the hipheight will get bigger
Avatar scales are staying constant but HipHeight continually increases for me. Note that character has to be re-cut each time it’s pasted. Starts off at 1.56, and ends at 3.4:
Well, i found out why I couldn’t repro the problem. I had some new scaling code enabled on my local build. Once I disabled that, I was able to see what you described. So, good news. We’ll be enabling these new features soon and that will make your HipHeights consistent and constant.