Hiring Advanced Scripter for Fun Game | 50%+

About Us

Heyyo! I am FroggerDev (you may know me as YoIobeans). I recently started a new project called ‘Bloxxy Road’ - a game similar to Frogger or Crossy Road.

The Team
@FroggerDev - Builder
@You - Scripter

Game Progress

Bloxxy Road’s Twitter account can be found here.

About The Job

Note: I am very confident that this game has a serious amount of potential - I have already found many people interested, so please consider taking a percent for it.

What needs to be done:

First, I suggest downloading Crossy Road (it’s in the App Store on PC or mobile) and figuring out how it works (it’s easy to figure out). This game is going to be very similar, you will have to:

  1. Make and script UIs (you don’t have to make them really fancy). Scripts here will include unboxing crates, choosing skins, displaying skins, purchasing skins, showing leaderboards, credits, etc.
  2. Scripting the characters - when chosen in the UI, the player will become one of the animals I build (whichever one they choose). I suggest, again, that you play Crossy Road to see how movement works.
  3. Script the cars and other objects to kill the player in a smooth way (player’s character being flattened, exploded, etc. - not the default death).
  4. Script coin gathering so that crates can be purchased.
  5. Script the map so that it randomly generates ahead of the player. The coins, trees, and rocks will also need to randomly generate and the crates will need to be randomized.

There might be a few smaller things I failed to mention, but this is the majority of the work that needs to be done.

You will be working with me as I continue creating characters. This is a fun game that we will make together - I’m not the boss, so I’m looking for somebody who is fun and dedicated.


Payment will 50% of the game’s revenue. Provided we can work together and finish this game, I have no doubt that with the monetization strategies I have in mind this game can be successful - I just need your help to get there.


Feel free to contact me here (through DMs or below) or on Discord (FroggerDev#9309) to apply or ask further questions. I ask that you make sure that you can complete all of the tasks that are needed - if you aren’t able to do part, feel free to apply still, but you likely won’t be picked over somebody fully-capable.

This is a project I, personally, am excited about and hopefully you will be too! Thanks for reading :hidere:!

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You should also ask for a Ui desginer too so they can get the Ui part out of your hands

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I considered that and I’m totally open to hiring a programmer who can’t make the UIs, but I would have to give the UI designer a percentage or payout (for which I’d need an investor).

If you can program, but can’t do Ui, feel free to apply still. After all:

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Not to be a downer, but I have a couple concerns:

  • I don’t believe 50/50 is an fair split at all between programmer and builder for this type of game, especially if the programmer has the responsibility of handling UI as well
  • I feel you’re hyping the game up too much - hyper-casual games don’t normally sell well to Roblox’s audience compared to any other genre on the platform. Could you clarify what you mean by serious potential? What is your vision of success for this game?

Programming and UI/graphics are around 80-90% of the work collectively, and if a programmer wanted to create this game then they’d be better off just commissioning a builder and artist for that work. I also find that it’s more work than one might think to produce something on Roblox of similar polish to what you’d see on an app store.

That’s just my two cents from my experience producing these types of single player, hyper-casual games on Roblox.


I thought about this, too. Giving over 50% is giving ownership of the game which I don’t really want to do. As I said, I’m not the boss here - the goal was that the programmer and I could work together to make a game. I would be happy raising the percentage to 60% or so if that makes it seem more favorable to you.

I’m judging by the fact that this is a type of game that is addictive and fun and that nearly all of the people I’ve talked to about this idea thought it would be a great game and would want to play it. Gameplay isn’t the only factor to success - the programmer and I would also take about monetization tactics since that is how we would both be paid.

Feel free to DM me if you are interested in taking this position but aren’t fully convinced that it will earn revenue - I’d be happy to talk.

I understand that the programming and building quality found in Crossy Road can’t be matched on Roblox and I’m not expecting that quality of work. I want a clean game even if some of the parts of Crossy Road are left out (like daily missions, secret skins, etc.)

As I said above, I can raise the percent as long as it’s understood that that does not make the game yours. To your single-player point, I think that there are enough factors in this game’s gameplay to encourage and entice users to re-join.

Hopefully, I can clear this part up. Generally, when you talk about % in Roblox, you are giving away just the % of profits. This is different from stake, where it’s the % of how much control a person has. Therefore, you can choose what’s the partnership dynamic in this case.

This game idea sure seems to look well, and hopefully you can find someone to work with!

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I understand the difference, thanks for the clarification, though. My point was that people with the larger percent often view themselves as the game owner. While this is normally true, there are exceptions like here.

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Ok big issue with payment. Your funding nothing, and doing by far the smaller part of the workload for a 50|50 split. Programmers should never go below 50% unless they are only scripting, not having to fund anything and working with an amazing builder. asking for a scripter to do UI and Scripting, especially in a game which is mostly scripts and not offering a large investment figure on your behalf is very bad. I would recommend raising payment for the scripter to at least 70-80%

I’ve addressed this multiple times. I am happy to raise the percentage to over 60% if needed.

I still would say in the given scenario that 60% is not reasonable, if you were to fund advertisements and a ui designer then it would be more in a scripters pay grade

Feel free to apply if you can’t do the UI and 60% is fine. With UI, I can go higher. Definitely not wanting to go over 75%, however.

As a game developer and a builder, I strongly assure that professional builders and modellers are highly undervalued, creating a good and efficient build takes a tremendous amount of both skill and time. Good and efficient building is equally as difficult to learn as programming and UI designing- to be a somewhat good builder you must be able to be imaginative and creative, moreover, have the correct mindset to visualize what is in your head and transfer it into 3d modelling; which is not as easy as many think it is.


That is a very common mistake developers make- they are too attached with their game idea and their words usually outsell their product; when you state something like that, you should also state why it has serious amount of potential, what are your previous successes with games, otherwise most developers won’t bother to consider in joining.

Another mistake that many developers make, similar to before, when you state something, you must back it up with some type of past experience or a structured plan of the monetization strategies to interest the developers reading to consider to apply.

In game development, there should always be a leader who is able to make the final decisions and organise all of his team members, if you aren’t the “boss” then who is? Having an unstructured team may lead to confusion and arguments which may discourage developers from joining you.

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@Simulation_Studio Understood. I tend to not jump to the conclusion that my game will be successful, but I have heard from many different people positive reviews and reports - leading me to the conclusion that, executed correctly, this game can do well.

Also, there doesn’t need to be a boss. Two developers can work side-by-side with an equal share and say in the game’s updates without a problem.

@SupaAI Thanks for the suggestion, however, your percentages aren’t correct. The percent each developer gets is entirely dependant on the work done - a game with simple scripts doesn’t necessarily warrant 50%.

Also, if I wanted feedback on my building, I would have put this under #development-support:building-support. The style of this game is a simple low-poly map and blocky animals. There is a huge creative aspect in creating these animals because I can’t copy Crossy Road, but I have to design animals using pixels that look realistic and “cute”. It’s much harder than you think…not to mention I’m not finished with the building.

I am willing to give 50-65% to the programmer. If this isn’t enough for you, please leave the thread alone.

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@Simulation_Studio You sort of cut out the rest of the context around those quotes - I noted “for this type of game” :stuck_out_tongue: The point of that was not to undervalue the role of modelers in games or make it out to be an easy job, but a game like this requires very little building work compared to programming to justify half of game profits if that’s all OP is contributing

Yeah that’s actually exactly what I’m saying here - a game with very little volume of build work doesn’t warrant half of game profits (or necessarily a stake in profits at all IMO as stated in my original post)

Not to be a downer again but you’re already making Crossy Road.

Yeah I thought I’d reason a little. So that just sucks.

I’d advise any programmers thinking of applying here to just take the reins on their own rendition if they really want to make this game and care about getting the better deal for yourself.

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No, all of the characters I’ve made are different than the Crossy Road ones.

If you think 70% would be better, I can raise to that - I trust the input from a hyper-casual game creator more than another dev, so I’ll take you advice. 80% is the roof, though - not adjusting again.

I’m glad to see your game is coming along nicely.

Really excited to play it when it comes out.

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