Hiring Devs for small upcoming game (willing to work for free)

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Hiring Devs for small upcoming game (willing to work for free)

About Us

Hi there! I am a Roblox Developer, I have been building and making games for 1 year. I am looking for a small team of devs to help me out on this game (long term project).
About the game:
I can’t explain all the details and everything about the game, but I can say its a game inspired by the film “exmachina”, its going to be a horror game.

:warning: : I am only hiring a programmer, builder and ui designer. :warning:


  • You are willing to work for free (when the game is released you will earn a percentage of the game’s income)
  • You have a talent in the specific area
    Keep in mind this is a long term project.

The Team
@Me - Owner and Builder
@Couldbeyou - Builder
@Couldbeyou - Scripter
@Couldbeyou - UI Designer

About The Job

You will be given tasks to do and complete. I don’t mind how long it takes to complete the tasks (there will be no time limits).


The payment is the percentage of the game income.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: kingcool #3611
You must be 11 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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