[HIRING] Prison Game Recruitment

[HIRING] Scripter for Prison Game

About me

Hello there. I am Domderp999. I am one of the owners of a prison game called, “Escaped Prisoners.” Me and my team, are called, “Volt Studios.” if you are anything but a scripter, we dont need you. We already have everybody that we need. (Exept for a scripter).

The Games Design:

What to expect

We are expecting for you to finish something before the end of the week. You can request extra time if you need it. You must be an experienced scripter. And must know how to code the basics for a Prison Game. (Cars, Guns, Robberies, Ect)

What is unique about the game?

The game is Very Unique as it has a very strong Game-Impacting storyline. We also have a level system. You can level up by gaining XP and if you reach certain levels, you get certain Prizes. (Car Skins, Weapon Skins, Ect)
But what makes the game really Unique, is if you reach level greater or equal to level 50, you become a Super Criminal. Super criminals have access to more guns than normal, and also go to a Special Prison, Built just for Super Criminals. (It is extra hard to escape).
And as for Police, If they are equal to or greater than level 75, then they become a Military Cop. Military Cops, have access to a secrete underground base, get extra guns, and have a minimap of where Criminals are.
Overall, the game is pretty unique. (We have more plans that I will tell you Privately)


You can contact me on Discord: DCAMPY#0455


We aren’t PAYING you for each asset you make. We are giving you a percentage of what the game makes. (We will be bidding 8 thousand robux)
You are probably asking, “What if the game doesnt get big, it is hard to get a popular game?” And to answer that question, If it doesnt get big, the team will get all the assets they created, back to them. (Or you can continue to help with the game)

The Team

Our team is very friendly. They dont talk like absolute Professionals, but they sure do their job like one. If you would like to be on the team, you don’t need to act Professional to get in. You just need to act mature. (13+ Older required)


If you are planning on attempting to get into the team, I’m sure we will enjoy creating the game with you! See you on the team :slight_smile: (If your coming)


Hello @Domderp999 !
I saw your Prison Game on Dev Forum, so… you’re looking for someone to script?
well… if yes, i’m interested.
I’m an amateur, If you want to Check my work, just Go on contact!

I’m a Builder

[I Can make Rigs // Humanoids] (But you won’t need it!)

I’m a Scripter

[I Make Scripts, Here are some examples of things i use // Instance // Local // Script.Parent// Etc…]

Hope we can make a deal!
-DevMaximun [ Other way to Contact me: @BreggyBread ]


Hello, I am a GUI artist and very interested.

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Hello, Im a scripter that has had success in the past with creating games.

I would like to join


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