History window

This is a feature I’ve seen in a lot of programs but it’s completely absent in roblox

The idea is that all of the action waypoints will appear in this list in chronological order. You can click on a specific label to jump to that waypoint instead of pressing ctrl+z/y 50 times. This adds a visual interface to undo/redo which is necessary because, as you begin performing more and more actions, it’s extremely easy to forget what you did previously.

I’m also suggesting more arguments to CHS:SetWaypoint, which would be used alongside this window.

ChangeHistoryService:SetWaypoint(String name, Content icon, String text)

icon would be the icon that appears on the list. If not provided, no icon is shown. text would be what the user reads in the window. If text isn’t provided, name is used for that instead.

man this can help in so many ways not to mention it’ll save sometime and trouble so yeah +1 for the idea.

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We could make a plugin to do this

But that would take away my precious screen space. Also it wouldn’t be compatible with other plugins unless you do an ugly hack with a bunch of bindablefunctions.

Ah. It’d be nice as a separate window.
If I ever get time, I might try to make a plugin to see how useful it would be.

But that would take away my precious screen space. Also it wouldn’t be compatible with other plugins unless you do an ugly hack with a bunch of bindablefunctions.[/quote]

The current undo/redo features don’t pick up changes made by plugins anyway.

But that would take away my precious screen space. Also it wouldn’t be compatible with other plugins unless you do an ugly hack with a bunch of bindablefunctions.[/quote]

The current undo/redo features don’t pick up changes made by plugins anyway.[/quote]

You can setup plugins to work with history using ChangeHistortyService (Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)