Hiton Hotel | Handbook

“Traveling is what makes life”
Welcome to the Hiton Hotel hand book
This Is not Hilton. It is Hiton Hotels!


1 | Hotel Guest - Guest in group. May attend an Interview session, take an Application.

2 | Suspended - Punished for wrong-doings. No abilities whatsoever.

3 | Awaiting Training - Passed Interview, Application, or bought the “Instant Trainee” gamepass. May attend a Training to receive full position.

4 | Housekeeping - Achievable by Training, or buying the “Instant Housekeeping” gamepass. Handles room cleaning at the hotel with a broom, and vacuum.

5 | Bartender - Achievable by Training, or buying the “Instant Bxartender” gamepass. Attends to hungry customers at the bar!

6 | Security - Achievable by Training, or buying the “Instant Security” gamepass. Handles misbehaving Hotel Guests, and have every right to use whatever tool their rank provides them.

7 | Receptionist - Achievable by Training, or buying the “Instant Receptionist” gamepass. Handles giving guests rooms at the hotel!

8 | Head of Security - Game moderator.Achievable by being promoted from Security, or buying the “Instant Head of Security” gamepass. Head of the security staff team at the hotel. All heads have equal power (ranks 8-10).

9 | Head of Services - Game moderator. Achievable by being promoted from Housekeeping or Bartender, or buying the “Instant Head of Services” gamepass. Head of Bartenders & Housekeeping at the hotel. All heads have equal power (ranks 8-10).

10 | Head Receptionist - Game moderator. Achievable by being promoted from Receptionist, or buying the “Instant Head Receptionist” gamepass. Head of the receptionist team at the hotel! All heads have equal power (ranks 8-10).

11 | Management - Game moderator. Achievable by being promoted from a Head rank, or buying the “Instant Management” gamepass. Head of all the ranks lower than Management. Although all MRs (ranks 8+) are a team.

12 | Senior Management - Game moderator. Achievable by being promoted from Management, or buying the “Instant Senior management” gamepass. Head of all ranks lower than Senior management. Although all MRs (ranks 8+) are a team. Senior Managers are able to host ONLY WITH PERMISSION FROM THE HOST! If they wish to host, join a server, and wait to receive permission from the host to handle a different server. Provided with automatic moderator at both Centers.

13 | Developer - Game administrator. Not achievable. Handles group development.

14 | Shift Manager - Game administrator. Achievable by being promoted from Senior Management, or buying the “Instant Shift Manager” gamepass. Head of all ranks lower than Shift Manager. Shift Managers may conduct their own sessions, however must use the provided guides on a separate page of this handbook. May promote hard-working staff members only one rank up at a time, and demote misbehaving staff as well. Free ranking will result in an instant termination.

15 | General Manager - Game administrator. Achievable by being promoted from Shift Manager, or buying the “Instant General Manager” gamepass. Head of all ranks lower than General Managers. Generals Managers may conduct their own sessions, however must use the provided guides on a separate page of this handbook. May promote hard-working staff members only one rank up at a time, and demote misbehaving staff as well. Free ranking will result in an instant termination.

16 | Board of Directors - Game super administrator. Achievable by being promoted from General Manager, or buying the “Instant Board of Directors” gamepass. Head of all ranks lower than Board of Directors. Rank often referred to as “BoD.” BoDs may conduct their own sessions, however must use the provided guides on a separate page of this handbook. May promote hard-working staff members only one rank up at a time, and demote misbehaving as well. Free ranking will result in an instant termination.

17 | Vice Team -Co-Founder. Game Creator. Not achievable, helps lower/higher rank, head of all staff.

18 | Chairman - Founder. Game Creator. Not achievable, creator of the group. Head of all lower ranks.

19 | Chairwoman - Founder. Game Creator. Not achievable, creator of the group. Head of EVERYTHING.


-Staff with moderator are encouraged to play music at sessions, just do not overplay people.

-You need to wear the appropriate uniform at sessions.


-Your group must have at least 100+ members.

-Your group and staff must maintain professionalism.

-We expect alliances to be active.

-Your establishment must be a business. (i.e Cafe, Restaurant, Clothing Store, etc.)

If you meet these requirements, send an alliance request to:

Hiton Hotels

Training Guide: Hiton Hotel | Training Guide
Interview Guide: Hiton Hotel | Interview Guide


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