Holiday Hotels & Resorts Affiliate Guide


Salutations, welcome to the official Holiday Hotels (& Resorts) Affiliate Guide. We’re very please that you have an interest in forming an alliance with Holiday Hotels. Listed below is all information necessary to form an alliance with Holiday Hotels. If you meet the requirements that are listed below, you are to contact a Public Relations member on Discord with the completed application; You can find contact details for a Public Relations member in the Public Handbook or below.


Holiday Hotels have set certain requirements that every group is required to follow before we agree to an affiliation. Please make sure that your group meets the requirements before reaching out to a Pubic Realtions Member with your application.

  • Must have 40 non-botted members in Roblox group.
  • Must have a good reputation inside of the Roblox community.
  • Must remain active at all times.
  • Must have 20 non-botted members in Discord server.
  • Must not be War, Political or Raid type groups.
  • Must have 2 reperesentatives.
  • Must follow Roblox Terms of Service.


Please answer all question inside of a Google Document. Once completed the application, please send the link to the Google Document to a Public Realtions Member.

[1] What is your group name? What type of group is it?

[2] Please provide the main group link, as well as your main communications Discord.

[3] Why do you wish to form an alliance with Holiday Hotels?

[4] How would forming this alliance benefit Holiday Hotels?

[5] How would forming this alliance benefit your group?

[6] How active would you say your group is?

[7] What goals do you wish to achieve if we accept your application?

[8] Do you meet all the requirements and agree to all of our rules?

[9] Who will be representing your group on our server? Please tell us their full Discord name and discriminator along with their Roblox username.

[10] Do you have any questions, concerns or comments for us? If not, just put N/A.


Holiday Hotels has set benefits which all alliances recieve upon becoming affiliated with us. These benefits helps benefit and promote our affiliations.

  • Announcing important information in our Discord server.
  • Access to an alliance-only server (Which can only be accessed by the representatives).
  • Work with Holiday Hotels Public Relations department to plan for events, spirit week or game night.
  • Support from Holiday Hotels.

These are only some of the benefits which can be counted towards your group. We’re also open to suggestions on what benefits alliances could have.


Holiday Hotels has expectations for all alliances to make sure we have an equal and supportive alliance. Before sending your application to a member of Public Relations, make sure that your group meets all expectations.

  • Must have 2 representatives in our communications and alliance-only server.
  • Have your repersentatives and MR+ remain respectful in our community.
  • Announce our announcements when we ask to do so.
  • Be willing to host events with us.
  • Be able to follow our community and affiliation guidelines.
  • Take note that we can terminate the affiliation at any point.

Failure to meet these expectations would require a termination in the alliance.

Contact Details

Public Relations Lead:

  • Roblox Username: WhereLexi
  • Discord Username: Lexi#1318

Public Relation Members:

  • Roblox Username: L_ntxrn
  • Discord Username: CJ#7297


Thank you so much for your interest with becoming affiliated with Holiday Hotels. Before applying, please make sure you follow all of our requirements. Any unanswered questions can be directed to a Public Relations member.

Application Status: Open. Feel free to apply.

Owner of Holiday Hotels