Holiday Hotels & Resorts Guide

hh loh

About Our Hotel

:tada: Welcome to Holiday Hotels & Resorts™ :tada:

:palm_tree: Motto: “The Hotel Made For You”


:link: Links:
Roblox Group


About Us

:ferris_wheel: About us:
:beach_umbrella: Welcome to Holiday Hotels & Resorts™! We are a five-star world-class hotel and resort company. We are also the first ever Hotel and Resort with a Showbar on ROBLOX!


Job Information

:sleeping_bed: Job Information:
:palm_tree: Want a job? Be sure to join the group or watch the group shout to tell you when there is a training or interview session being hosted!

:parasol_on_ground: Shifts are hosted at various times at the hotel :parasol_on_ground:

Staff Information

:palm_tree: Staff Information
Founder: tyler4955
Chairman: RedLantern007
President: eclxpsi


Hello. I am CJ the Chairman of Holiday Hotels & Resorts. In this post, you can see several links going to several different forum posts and some information.


Our ranks are super important, these help us out at training’s, interviews, and at the hotel. Without these ranks, we’d be lost and would be struggling. Working together as a team is better than a man on his own.

Rank Information

LRs - Ranks 2 - 6
Low Ranks are needed at the hotel at all times to hand out rooms to guest, work at the bar/customer service. Without these - we’d be lost! For the most professionalism, we require this rank to wear uniform and utilise grammar at all times.

MRs - Ranks: 7 - 9
Medium Ranks are there to support LRs within working their rank. At this rank you may kick people if they’re doing something they shouldn’t be doing at the hotel. So you know what commands are Admin Abuse, you can see them below.

HRs - Ranks: 10 - 14
High Ranks are there to support the whole team at HH. At this rank you have access to most of the commands, even ban. You are one of the most important people here! You are required to ban people who are exploiting at the hotel or who have 3 kicks or more.


Admin Abusive commands are a huge problem when it comes to hotels, cafes and more. If there were no rules for the commands people use, the game wouldn’t run as smooth as it should. Sometimes, people use these commands on accident and don’t mean to do it. If they do this by mistake and let someone know before they get reported, they will be okay.

Admin Abusive Commands

Abusive Commands

:kick - With no reason.
:ban - With no reason.
:sit - Doing this to someone else other than yourself.
:btools - SHR only command.
:H - With no reason.
:M - HR+ can do this ONLY for training’s or interviews.
:to - With no valid reason.
:bring - With no valid reason.
:gear - SHR only command.
:give - SHR only command.
:crash - NO ONE can do this command - irreverent of rank. If caught doing this command, YOU WILL BE FIRED INSTANTLY
:kill - SHR only command.
:createserver - SHR only command.
:fly - SHR only command.
:noclip - SHR only command

Do you think a command needs to be added? Message me on Discord: CJ#7297.

SHR’s are able to override these commands - Not including :crash.


The host will required to have a guide to lead the operation of the session. Host can host Interviews, Training’s, and also shifts.

Interviews - Interviews are hosted randomly by people who can host.
Training’s - Training’s are hosted randomly by people who can host.
Shifts - Shifts are hosted randomly by people who can host. If you work hard enough you may get promoted.

Host Guides

These guides are for our hosts who host our Interview, Training, or shift sessions. Our Management Team+ will be able to host. Our host will read all of the rules, etc.

Host Guide


The helper guide is available to everyone. You could be one who can help out at training’s! You could also be a trainer, too!

Helper Guide

These guides are for our helpers who go to our Interview or Training sessions. Our helpers ask the trainee questions.

Helper Guide

Problems? Message me on Discord: CJ#7297.

Please note: This guide is NOT complete. It will be finished when time is available…

CJ | RedLantern007

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