Holiday Hotels & Resorts - Helper Guides

hh loh

About Our Hotel

:tada: Welcome to Holiday Hotels & Resorts™ :tada:

:palm_tree: Motto: “The Hotel Made For You”


:link: Links:
Roblox Group


About Us

:ferris_wheel: About us:
:beach_umbrella: Welcome to Holiday Hotels & Resorts™! We are a five-star world-class hotel and resort company. We are also the first ever Hotel and Resort with a Showbar on ROBLOX!


Job Information

:sleeping_bed: Job Information:
:palm_tree: Want a job? Be sure to join the group or watch the group shout to tell you when there is a training or interview session being hosted!

:parasol_on_ground: Shifts are hosted at various times at the hotel :parasol_on_ground:

Staff Information

:palm_tree: Staff Information
Founder: tyler4955
Chairman: RedLantern007
President: eclxpsi


:palm_tree: Greetings everyone. My name is CJ. I am the Chairman of Holiday Hotels & Resorts. Below are all of the guide for our Helpers. If you’re looking for our [Host] or [Trainer] guides you may need to click on the blue text and you will be redirected to them. If you’re at the wrong guide, you may go to the redirect forum which will have links to different forums here.


Interview Questions

Hello my name is [NAME] and I will be interviewing you today! Are you ready?

QI. Correct this sentence: “hel1o welcome to holiday hotels. hOw cn i help yOu todAy.”

QII. What would you do if a troller joins the game and starts spamming?

QIII. What would you do if a staff member was trolling?

QIV. Do you understand you cannot own a room yourself unless you’re a HR+?

QVI. Do you understand you need to use grammar every time you visit any Holiday Hotel games/Alliance games, even when you’re not working in the hotel.

Okay, I just need to go and get somebody to check your answers.

Passed message

Congratulations, you have passed! Please follow me so you can be ranked.

Please take them to be checked and then ranked (Only someone with commands to check logs and who can rank in the group

Failed Message

Sadly, you have failed this session. You are welcome to leave by yourself or otherwise you will be kicked.

Please take them to someone who can kick them

This guide was last edited on: 5th January 2020


Receptionist Helper Guide.

If you feel like something needs to be updated, please message myself on Discord: CJ#7297.

Hello I am [NAME], I will be quizzing you on some questions. Are you ready?

Please note, if you get any of these wrong, don’t worry. Make sure to use proper grammar; again do not worry. If you get III grammar mistakes, you will have sadly failed.

If the chat bubble cuts off, please address yourself to the top left corner of the screen to read what I said.

QI. What do you do when there is a troller?

QII. How many warnings do exploiters and major spammers receive?

QIII. What should you do in an attack of a raid?

QIV. What tools do receptionist receive?

QVI. Where is uniform (In the hotel) located?

Okay. We’ve done all the questions. Now we’re going to move onto a troll test.

Please do not be offended by anything as I say, because this is only a troll test.

Passed message

Congratulations, you have passed! Please follow me so you can be ranked.

Please take them to be checked and then ranked (Only someone with commands to check logs and who can rank in the group

Failed Message

Sadly, you have failed this session. You are welcome to leave by yourself or otherwise you will be kicked.

Please take them to someone who can kick them

This guide was last edited on: 5th January 2020

Security Helper Guide.

If you feel like something needs to be updated, please message myself on Discord: CJ#7297.

Hello I am [NAME], I will be quizzing you on some questions. Are you ready?

Please note, if you get any of these wrong, don’t worry. Make sure to use proper grammar; again do not worry. If you get III grammar mistakes, you will have sadly failed.

If the chat bubble cuts off, please address yourself to the top left corner of the screen to read what I said.

QI. What do you do when there is a troller?

QII. How many warnings do exploiters and major spammers receive?

QIII. What should you do in an attack of a raid?

QIV. What tools do security receive?

QVI. Where is uniform (in the hotel) located?

Okay. We’ve done all the questions. Now we’re going to move onto a troll test.

Please do not be offended by anything as I say, because this is only a troll test.

Passed message

Congratulations, you have passed! Please follow me so you can be ranked.

Please take them to be checked and then ranked (Only someone with commands to check logs and who can rank in the group

Failed Message

Sadly, you have failed this session. You are welcome to leave by yourself or otherwise you will be kicked.

Please take them to someone who can kick them

This guide was last edited on: 5th January 2020

Bar Staff Helper Guide.

Hello I am [NAME], I will be quizzing you on some questions. Are you ready?

Please note, if you get any of these wrong, don’t worry. Make sure to use proper grammar; again do not worry. If you get III grammar mistakes, you will have sadly failed.

If the chat bubble cuts off, please address yourself to the top left corner of the screen to read what I said.

QI. What do you do when there is a troller?

QII. How many warnings do exploiters and major spammers receive?

QIII. What should you do in an attack of a raid?

QIV. What tools do bar staff receive?

QVI. Where is uniform (In the hotel) located?

Okay. We’ve done all the questions. Now we’re going to move onto a troll test.

Please do not be offended by anything as I say, because this is only a troll test.

Passed message

Congratulations, you have passed! Please follow me so you can be ranked.

Please take them to be checked and then ranked (Only someone with commands to check logs and who can rank in the group

Failed Message

Sadly, you have failed this session. You are welcome to leave by yourself or otherwise you will be kicked.

Please take them to someone who can kick them

This guide was last edited on: 5th January 2020

Customer Service Guide.

Hello I am [NAME], I will be quizzing you on some questions. Are you ready?

Please note, if you get any of these wrong, don’t worry. Make sure to use proper grammar; again do not worry. If you get III grammar mistakes, you will have sadly failed.

If the chat bubble cuts off, please address yourself to the top left corner of the screen to read what I said.

QI. What do you do when there is a troller?

QII. How many warnings do exploiters and major spammers receive?

QIII. What should you do in an attack of a raid?

QIV. What tools do customer service receive?

QVI. Where is uniform (In the hotel) located?

Okay. We’ve done all the questions. Now we’re going to move onto a troll test.

Please do not be offended by anything as I say, because this is only a troll test.

Passed message

Congratulations, you have passed! Please follow me so you can be ranked.

Please take them to be checked and then ranked (Only someone with commands to check logs and who can rank in the group

Failed Message

Sadly, you have failed this session. You are welcome to leave by yourself or otherwise you will be kicked.

Please take them to someone who can kick them

This guide was last edited on: 5th January 2020

Problems? Message me on Discord: CJ#7297

CJ | RedLantern007
Holiday Hotels