As a Roblox developer, I like the current particle system and how creative you can be with it, but the main problem I have with it is you’re limited by coding a script to create custom particles that amaze people.
Now, for the average developer, coding in Lua can be easy or hard, but I’d like to see Houdini Support integrated into the game engine.
This will consist of allowing VFX developers for games to upload simulations they’ve made from a simulation engine like Houdini FX (Most Popular), Autodesk Maya & Nuke X.
Here are some of the effects I’m working on using Houdini so far:
Dissipating Pig Geo Sim:
Star Wars Blaster Freeze Effect:
With this feature added to the engine, developers with interest in a career into VFX or as an FX artist can get used to industry-standard software and allow them to add sophisticated effects that wouldn’t be possible in the current Roblox engine.
This feature will allow us to create the following effects:
- FLIP Fluid Sims
- VDB Voxels & Density Sims (Used to make clouds, smoke, fires, explosions).
- Procedural Particles
*Soft-Body Dynamics - VEX Support (C Language)
- Procedural Maps & Modelling
- Finite Elements (Squishy Elements)
- Vellum (Cloth FX & Physics)
- Grains (Sand & Snow)
- Procedural Crowds
Now, there are many more effects, but having the ability to expand out to these tools will create exciting games with next-gen effects and instruments.
Imagine this; developers can create procedural maps from google maps satellite data to create an FPS map which can be used as a reference to build the actual plan in Roblox studio.
Or, they can add crazy particle effects for games that inspire their players with the help of magic, the current results are still AWESOME; however, they could use a creative update to encourage more creative devs limited by coding technology.
If Roblox can address this issue, it would not only help myself, but other game developers that are attempting to achieve maximum potential and fidelity within their games.
This will allow Roblox to have a unique player experience and will enable the engine to support creative tools like these to help young people achieve educational learning about technical software that can also land them a job in a game or VFX film studio.
Thanks for your time,