Hourly statistics for session time

As a developer, it’s impossible to view hourly session time statistics for your experience without using third party analytics.

Since hourly metric reporting was removed a while ago, only hourly revenue metrics have returned. The reasoning mentioned in the announcement was that it was added back to make it “easier to identify the impact recent updates may have had on monetization.” Similarly, session time is extremely useful for determining the impact of recent updates.

If you release a highly engaging update to your experience, session time is a great metric for determining the overall sentiment and success of the update. Likewise, if you release an update that has major issues, you’ll likely have an immediate drop in session time, but you won’t know about it for an entire day unless you opt to use third party analytics.

Roblox should provide developers with a first hand source for hourly session time so that we can accurately monitor our games’ performance (and not just revenue) in real time.

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Go into Performance tab and then client tab