How and what different ways are there to learn scripting after learning the basics?

Hello there, I have been trying to learn and know the basics such as uis, click detectors, variables, functions, path finding, welding, cframe, etc. But I need help taking my learning a step further and I want to know how to efficiently do it. I feel like all I have been doing is memorizing so within the last week or so. I have tried to be more practical by making a short horror game and think I have open up my mind a bit more and can write code by myself (with some help from wiki api) but what else could I do?


hi, this youtuber make and basics and advanced:

i hope i heled u!

say if u need more youtubers to help u, i can personaly dm u with some leasons but i recomend using Studio+ (a plugin)


Like @pro_developer213 said, AlvinBlox is a great source to learn more stuff. What I personally did is watch multiple tutorials, and after I was done, I started looking into looking into other peoples’ scripts and try to understand them. Personally, the best way that I believe is the most effective is scripting stuff. Those stuff don’t have to be linked to a game, they are just for practice. After scripting for a long time, that is how I got my skills. Also, I do recommend looking into toolbox scripts and try to understand how they did it and maybe learn a couple of stuff from them.


You can use resources from the dev froum

to get a better understanding of how to develop


Well, I learned some of the stuff I know from:

Although his stuff is a little outdated, it has helped me, as well as AlvinBlox has helped me.


this is my fovourite youtuber and a very good scripter:

every his video is about Roblox Studio and he has Basics and Advanced and he teach me what a table do… but i learn that at my 4 year of Scripting In Roblox Studio


Alright thanks, I will be looking into toolbox and other peoples scripts as I am done with AlvinBlox aswell as PeasPod tutorials, I will make my own small projects and possibly recreate other people’s models in my own way.

I have started using that recently but I will be using it a lot more from now on, thanks.

Yeah, I have been looking at TheDevKing videos after looking it up on api-reference but as I said, I am done with the basics so for now TheDevKing is not much help as of now.

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Note: Not all of this may apply to you.

You don’t learn scripting without experimenting and trying your own things. If you tried to learn how to use Blender by only watching YouTube videos, without trying things yourself, you’d be screwed. You’d get concepts, but you wouldn’t be comfortable with them if asked to use them. Programming is no different.

You only begin to truly understand when you give yourself a project and get it done. You can come up with a simple idea, ask a friend for one, or expand off of a YouTube video’s goal.

Make a torch tool that has a light source that periodically dims
Make a user GUI button that prints your name when you click a button
Make a part that flings you upwards when you touch it
Make a chisel tool that splits a part in half

Simple ideas are a dime a dozen, but are worth gold in skill honing. Lastly, find a mentor to ask stupid scripting questions to when you really hit a tough spot. Or join a scripting Discord.


Thank you, I will be doing these small projects and am currently in Hidden Developers and will be asking my friends for simple ideas like those to put my skills to the test.

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il say, to be more easy a advanced developer u need to learn OOP, i make that without knowing what that means, im not the best at metatables and at things like _Index but rest is very good

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Strongly dubious. You do not need to learn OOP-in-Lua at all for any reason. You can learn how to write it and what the paradigm is all about but it is a highly miscellaneous thing to learn. It would be more appropriate to learn this if you were doing Java where native class creation support is present.