How can i create "Unmoving Plaid" effect on ROBLOX?

Hi, I’m trying to make an Unmoving Plaid system for my ROBLOX game, but I don’t even know where to start. I’ve researched a lot of things, and the closest I’ve come is locking the camera and making nextbot-style (2D/2.5D) models.

Oftentimes in cartoons, if a character is wearing clothes with a complex pattern, such as plaid or tartan, the pattern on the clothing will retain the same orientation regardless of the positioning of the character. It’s as if the clothing the character is wearing isn’t so much patterned as it is a cloth-based wormhole to a plaid universe, or that the character’s clothing has had a static pattern overlaid on it through Chroma Key techniques.

Here’s an example used on the cartoon Chowder: (notice how the clothes pattern reacts to his movement)

Here’s another example, but it’s a shader for Minecraft:

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I believe this would require some CFrame trickery between the camera and the textures. Actually, you might not even need the camera. Are you trying to make it like the texture stays the same unless the object moves, or change it when the object or camera moves?

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If this method doesn’t work, then nothing will:


This is probably overkill for what they’re trying to do. They just want the texture to not move with the object. You basically just scroll it in the opposite direction

You can’t using Roblox. Goodluck figuring out how to offset the texture if the texture isn’t a Texture instance, and even then it won’t look good.