ViewportFrame Masking

After stumbling upon an interesting interaction that meshes with erased vertex alpha have in a ViewportFrame, I’ve been experimenting with them for a while now and want to share my discoveries.
In this tutorial I’ll be sharing these discoveries and I’ll try to explain how all of it works to the best of my ability.

What Are Meshes With Erased Alpha?

First things first it’s good to know how you can erase vertices’ alpha. Erasing vertex alpha can be done for example in Blender by selecting “Erase Alpha” blend mode in Vertex Paint.

Use this material on your mesh to see vertex alpha:


Erasing vertex alpha in Vertex Paint:

Blend file for converting selected meshes to have 0 alpha

Mesh_0Alpha_Paint1.blend (855.2 KB)

Press arrow to run script:

0 alpha paint code snippet for Blender

This should work in any Blender project. If the project doesn’t already contain AlphaVisualizer material then the script will create a new one and apply it as each selected meshes’ first material (the script won’t remove the other materials tho they just get moved down):

import bpy

# What alpha level should selected objects have
# 1 fully visible, 0 fully transparent
alpha = 0

# What color should selected objects have
r = 1
g = 1
b = 1

def main():
    # Change alpha of all selected meshes to 0
    selectedObjects = bpy.context.selected_objects
    # Stop script if no objects we're selected
    if len(selectedObjects) == 0:

    # AlphaVisualizer material
    alphaMat ="AlphaVisualizer")

    # Create AlphaVisualizer material if it doesn't exist
    if alphaMat == None:
        mat = = "AlphaVisualizer")
        mat.use_nodes = True
        # Add Vertex Color node and link its Alpha to BSDF's BaseColor
        tree = mat.node_tree
        nodes = tree.nodes
        node1 ="ShaderNodeVertexColor")
        node1.location = (-180, 240)
        bsdf = nodes["Principled BSDF"]["Alpha"], bsdf.inputs["Base Color"])
        alphaMat = mat

    # Set shading to Material Preview
    myAreas = bpy.context.workspace.screens[0].areas
    for area in myAreas:
        for space in area.spaces:
            if space.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                space.shading.type = "MATERIAL"
    for object in selectedObjects:
        # Continue to next object if current object isn't a mesh
        if object.type != "MESH":
        mesh =
        # Store current materials except AlphaVisualizer
        currentMats = []
        for material in mesh.materials:
            if material and == "AlphaVisualizer":
        # Clear materials and add them back
        for material in currentMats:
        # Create new vertex color group for mesh if there isn't one
        vertexColorGroup = None
        if not mesh.vertex_colors:
            vertexColorGroup =
            # If mesh has vertex color groups then use first one
            vertexColorGroup = mesh.vertex_colors[0]
        vertexColorData =
        # First three floats determine color and 4th is alpha
        newColor = (r, g, b, alpha)

        vertexCounter = 0
        for polygon in mesh.polygons:
            for vertex in polygon.vertices:
                vertexColorData[vertexCounter].color = newColor
                vertexCounter += 1

Masking Out Parts Of a ViewportFrame

Meshes with erased vertex alpha render nothing behind them and in that sense are essentially masks for the ViewportFrame.

Diagram of how masking with 0 alpha meshes works:

With this you can already create some cool effects by masking out parts of a ViewportFrame. However with 0 alpha meshes you can only take away from the end result. Adding to the mask is possible but it further complicates things.

Adding To ViewportFrame Mask

There is a way to add to the end result but its quite hacky and introduces further limitations. This method uses transparent glass parts which will render the otherwise invisible 0 alpha meshes behind them.

The limiting factor of this method is that you can only use 0 alpha meshes behind the glass for the mask addition to work in a desirable way. Instances like Decals and Textures don’t inherently appear invisible like 0 alpha meshes do which breaks the desired effect.

Diagram explaining how adding to the mask works:

As mentioned before things like Decals, Textures and mesh textures don’t work properly with this method as they don’t inherit the masking capabilities of 0 alpha meshes. SurfaceAppearances in the other hand do which leads to the next topic: using images as masks.

Images As Masks (Supports EditableImages)

Since a SurfaceAppearance parented to a 0 alpha mesh inherits the mesh’s masking ability, it can be used to create custom masks with images. For this method to work AlphaMode of SurfaceAppearance has to be on Transparency.

The opaque parts of the image won’t render the things behind them while the transparent parts do. A limitation though with using SurfaceAppearance is that they only support 5 or 2 levels of transparency which can create ugly transparency banding.

EditableImages can also be used as masks when you parent one under a 0 alpha mesh’s SurfaceAppearance. This way masks can be painted, animated etc.

Diamonplate part being masked by image on left:


Test out ViewportFrame masking examples

After experimenting with this hacky masking method for a while I’ve put together a rbxl place file with a few examples utilizing ViewportFrame masking. I’ll also show short clips of them and share a place file if anyone wants to try them out in game.

Note: In the following examples a blocky character rig is forced for the player. Right now it’s not possible to create a mask dynamically for players as ViewportFrames don’t support EditableMeshes.
If ViewportFrames supported them you could simply create an EditableMesh for each character mesh and set each vertex’s alpha to 0 with SetVertexColorAlpha().
However Character2 example works with the player’s own character as it only sets each character part to be glass so that they can reveal the 0 alpha planes behind them.

(Image and Paint example don’t work in game as they rely on EditableImages)
Test in game: ViewportFrame masking - Roblox

Test in studio: ViewportFrame_Masking_Examples.rbxl (330.1 KB)

List of examples

House example:

In this example the left house, baseplate and Character mask out parts of the other house in the ViewportFrame.

As the two cubes in Workspace aren’t masked out they appear below the ViewportFrame.

Text example:

In this example each letter is a separate glass mesh which reveals the two 0 alpha cubes behind them.

The example also demonstrates how Decals, textures and mesh textures don’t inherit 0 alpha mesh masking capabilities while SurfaceAppearances do.

Wavy text example:

In this example a skinned mesh is used as a mask. This way the mask’s vertices can be transformed with code.

Another way to achieve per vertex transformation would be to use an EditableMesh but they aren’t supported in ViewportFrames yet.

Character1 example:

In this example the character mask is glass with 0.99 transparency which reveals two 0 alpha mask planes behind the player.

The two planes have a stretched UVs and a SurfaceAppearance parented to them which creates sort of a cross hatch effect on the player. This effect however is hard to occlude properly as masks made out of objects in Workspace interfere with the cross hatch planes.

Character2 example:

In this example the character is converted to glass just like in Character1 example but now with the player’s own character. This example only works with R15 characters as you cannot set R6 character parts to glass without extra steps.

The animation within the player is slightly more complicated compared to Character1 example. This time there is two 0 alpha mesh planes with tiling star SurfaceAppearances and another two 0 alpha planes with tiling galaxy cloud SurfaceAppearances.

Image example:

This example is a simple implementation of using images as masks.

Paint example:

This example is the same as the image example but you can draw the mask in and out with the help of EditableImages.

Portal1 example:

In this example glass spheres reveal a the Crossroads map thats made out of 0 alpha meshes.

Since Decals, Textures, mesh textures and part transparency don’t work with this method of masking, the billboards in the Crossroads map are blank and the beacons’ transparent parts aren’t rendered.

I haven’t figured out how to use this method for traversable portals.

Portal2 example:

In this example the Crossroads map is split in half along a 0 alpha plane with a doorway in the middle.

I haven’t figured out a way to use this method for portals but I think it has promise.

Reflection example:

In this example the house is flipped and parts of it are masked out with a puddle mask image.

Using this method for planar reflections can get performance heavy as both the moving objects in the reflected image and the moving mask objects have to be updated manually.


You can use meshes with erased alpha (0 alpha meshes) to not render anything behind them in a ViewportFrame. Erasing mesh alpha can be done in Blender for example.
With 0 alpha meshes you can mask out parts of a ViewportFrame but not add to it.
However transparent glass parts can be used to in a way add to the mask rather than take away from it by showing the otherwise invisible 0 alpha meshes behind the glass parts.

Other notes

This hacky way of masking out parts of a ViewportFrame can be used for cool effects but as it’s probably not an intended feature of ViewportFrames it might get fixed in a future update. For now though it can be used for all sorts of things despite it’s multiple flaws which might get solutions from combined efforts of other devs experimenting with this further.

I’d be glad to hear any ideas for ways to improve this masking method or use cases for it in the replies!


God I love you so much for sharing this and oh hey this can finally be answer

with some of other things too

Oh wait it was using egomoose’s portal oopsy


Thanks for the reply, I’m glad to share this so others can use it for cool effects!

Oh wait it was using egomoose’s portal oopsy

Yea seems like theres some pixelation happening in the image on the planes that are facing more away from the camera

Sadly I don’t think this can be used for projections like that but maybe for the first half where the characters appear only in the white parts



This is such a good tutorial, gj


I hope in the future it becomes a official feature for Viewportframes, And Thank you so much for making this tutorial, really helpful.


I’m glad you found it helpful!

Yea masking (for 2D, 3D and other forms) has been requested multiple times before.
It would be great to get an official way to mask things since this method only works in ViewportFrames.
ViewportFrames have a lot of limitations like no access to particles, UI elements, limited lighting and so on.

btw I updated the tutorial, Roblox place and Studio place to include an example on skinned mesh masks. They can be used as an alternative for EditableMeshes in ViewportFrames.


This is the coolest thing ever. Kudos to you!


This is actually insane. I can see many of this being used


dang bro you are soo good at this i am impressed as a scripter


If you already don’t know

This is awesome so many game mechanics and so much more freedom this is absolutely awsome :fire:


This is amazing, the viewportframes being used to overlay the character is a similar effect as the masking galaxy skin in fn. You should really make a game on this, you’re amazing. :happy4:


Thanks for the reply!
I figured out a way to apply the character overlay effect on all R15 rigs and not just the blocky character so I’ll add an example of that at some point maybe with a galaxy effect like you mentioned.

I haven’t really figured out any game ideas which could use this but I wanted to share this so maybe others might come up with some cool ideas.


Hey there. I am having a little trouble following the blender portion of this because no matter where I look I cant find the properties/nodes that you used in this tutorial. Is there a chance you could send a blend file so I can see exactly how it was done?



Yea I definitely should’ve included a file in the post. Here’s a file with a 0 alpha cube with the proper material applied to see the mesh’s alpha. I also included a script for painting all selected meshes’ alpha to zero.

Mesh_0Alpha_Paint1.blend (855.2 KB)

0 alpha paint code snippet for Blender

This should work in any Blender project. If the project doesn’t already contain AlphaVisualizer material then the script will create a new one and apply it as each selected meshes’ first material (the script won’t remove the other materials tho they just get moved down):

Press arrow to run script:



import bpy

# What alpha level should selected objects have
# 1 fully visible, 0 fully transparent
alpha = 0

# What color should selected objects have
r = 1
g = 1
b = 1

def main():
    # Change alpha of all selected meshes to 0
    selectedObjects = bpy.context.selected_objects
    # Stop script if no objects we're selected
    if len(selectedObjects) == 0:

    # AlphaVisualizer material
    alphaMat ="AlphaVisualizer")

    # Create AlphaVisualizer material if it doesn't exist
    if alphaMat == None:
        mat = = "AlphaVisualizer")
        mat.use_nodes = True
        # Add Vertex Color node and link its Alpha to BSDF's BaseColor
        tree = mat.node_tree
        nodes = tree.nodes
        node1 ="ShaderNodeVertexColor")
        node1.location = (-180, 240)
        bsdf = nodes["Principled BSDF"]["Alpha"], bsdf.inputs["Base Color"])
        alphaMat = mat

    # Set shading to Material Preview
    myAreas = bpy.context.workspace.screens[0].areas
    for area in myAreas:
        for space in area.spaces:
            if space.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                space.shading.type = "MATERIAL"
    for object in selectedObjects:
        # Continue to next object if current object isn't a mesh
        if object.type != "MESH":
        mesh =
        # Store current materials except AlphaVisualizer
        currentMats = []
        for material in mesh.materials:
            if material and == "AlphaVisualizer":
        # Clear materials and add them back
        for material in currentMats:
        # Create new vertex color group for mesh if there isn't one
        vertexColorGroup = None
        if not mesh.vertex_colors:
            vertexColorGroup =
            # If mesh has vertex color groups then use first one
            vertexColorGroup = mesh.vertex_colors[0]
        vertexColorData =
        # First three floats determine color and 4th is alpha
        newColor = (r, g, b, alpha)

        vertexCounter = 0
        for polygon in mesh.polygons:
            for vertex in polygon.vertices:
                vertexColorData[vertexCounter].color = newColor
                vertexCounter += 1

Thank you for sharing this with the public! :happy3:


I’ve been trying to make the Reflection Example work without needing to click anything involving GUI to see it. I want to make it so that the puddles, along with the reflected items, load automatically when playing the game.

I really wanted to be able to use this in my own game and was wondering if you could help me make this possible as I have very limited to no scripter knowledge and have a hard time figuring this out.


Unfortunately getting a planar reflection working with this method is difficult since you have to mask out everything you don’t want to be rendered below the reflections (for example the two cubes in the Reflection Example).
In other words you would have to create masks for each player which isn’t possible as of now since EditableMeshes aren’t supported in ViewportFrames. Also ParticleEmitters might never be able to be masked out due to their randomness.

Another alternative for reflections would be to use EgoMoose’s portal with mirrored camera (you have to flip each face in the ViewportFrame tho since mirroring the camera flips normals):

Video example of reflections with EgoMoose's portal

This method can be used for a reflective plane which can be freely rotated.

Mirror reflection

This method has its fair share of problems as well such as rendering things above the pond like the players legs when they’re intersecting with the mirror. Also terrain doesn’t get rendered in ViewportFrames.

Pond reflection

Masking can be used for carving out parts of the reflection as well. This video also shows how meshes don’t mirror properly with the current implementation of this reflection method.

Masked reflections


this is one of the coolest hacks i’ve seen on roblox. defo saving it


i’ve been trying to make the Character1 example implement onto separate rigs, which seems to half work? it only works when the camera is a certain distance to the rig and it really lags my studio

also i only edited the character variables in CharacterMaskScript, DynamicCharacterGlassScript, and HatchPositionScript to be “game.Workspace.Rig”

i dont really know how camera and CFrame works that well, so im pretty lost on this
edit: posted a better clip

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Instead of pivoting the hatch model based on camera and its focus:

local planeDistance = 6 -- How far plane is from camera's focus point
hatch:PivotTo( + cam.CFrame.LookVector * planeDistance, cam.CFrame.Position))

you should instead be pivoting it based on the rigs root part:

local root = -- HumanoidRootPart of the rig
local planeDistance = 6 -- How far plane is from root
hatch:PivotTo( + cam.CFrame.LookVector * planeDistance, root.Position)), vector2) creates a new CFrame at vector1 position that faces towards vector2 position.

I’m not really sure what causes the lag but you should only be using CharacterMaskScript or DynamicCharacterGlassMaskScript, both of them do the same thing (convert the rig to a character revealing mask and animate the rig to match its real counterpart in workspace) but with different rig types.

Right now CharacterMaskScript only works with the block rig used in the Character1 example while the DynamicCharacterGlassMaskScript only works with R15 characters. I’m working on a module script which can convert any given character to a character revealing mask but it might take a bit of time.