How can I fix improper hitboxes on a meshpart?

Below is what I would like to fix (the player floats on this area)

For the record I am using PreciseConvexDecomposition which made the hitboxes a lot more consistent with the model, it’s just this one area that is having trouble. Does anyone know what I can do here?

Sometimes try Hull instead, it sometimes captures more of the shape than the Precise. Another way to visually check it is to turn on ShowDecompositionGeometry in your studio settings and it will show you the hitbox visually. Then play with the different collision fidelities until you find the best one for that shape.

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If your collisions are still inaccurate even with PreciseConvexDecomposition, then you have two options:

  1. Separate each area in your mesh
  2. Set your mesh’s collisions off and manually put hitboxes where you need them