How can I learn to build?

Hello recently I really want to learn how to build in roblox but i can’t find a good method to learn how to build, I’m not sure if this is the right place for this but anyways i appreciate any help, thanks for reading


try this

and if you wanna re-create something you must need to look at the detail and also unique about your build.


I started off by placing a part and just building off that. Just play with studio and you’ll learn the functions yourself.

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The simple answer to how do I learn to build… Is just build.

There are a bunch of tricks and time savers that you’ll learn along the way, but really the key part of building is developing an ability to take apart objects in you’re mind and recreate it using geometry in roblox in a way that looks decent. The only way to do any of that is to just start building.


@3MASTER9 Don’t watch youtube tutorials, they will waste your time.
Instead, just mess about with the “Model” tab in studio. You have multiple tools that you can use, but before you use them you need to learn how to use them.
Like negating and creating unions. Just mess about with your builds for a while and you will “learn” to build. Here is a link explaining what each tool does in the model tab


Hey! The way I learned to build is just by practising, if you ever wanna build something just do it! Practice makes perfect and no tutorials helped me but my hard work did. I recommend starting off by building something small e.g. a chair(surprisingly challenging), then move on to a house and gradually start bigger projects. I hope I helped!

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This is kind of a common question that gets asked - brought up throughout the weeks normally very often. It basically just comes back to: Practice And learning is a part in improving, or learn how to accomplish these a type of style your wanting but there’s a bunch of tips and suggestions you can learn, from what has been suggested above to dive into building is just practice.

Find images of the things your wanting to create or make always start simple don’t just dive right into huge projects or builds take pictures of things you want to recreate into your creation you could even right down different things in a notebook and save those for later progress and then putting them into your creation.

This is probably one of the important ones in trying to figure out what to build or what style I’m wanting to dive into you pick and choose and see whatever suits your own liking. Use reference images it’s a good way to improve your building skills whether it be (scripting, graphic designing, building, 3D modeling ect).

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My personal approach is to go find an image of something you want to build, and then just start building it using the basic resize/move/rotate tools combined with basic parts to create a replica of that model.

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