How can I make a character shop?

Hello, I want to make a character shop, but I do not know how to make one. I mainly don’t know how to change the character for players who bought the skin. I would like some examples, or tutorials. Thank you.


I think you change the “Player.Character” property to the character model you just bought, then you reload the character using Player:LoadCharacter() and cframe him back to his previous cframe.

Player.Character = KnightModel

Would be easier to help if you provide any examples (image, gif or video).

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I already have a Rigged StarterCharacter inside the StarterPlayers folder, so player’s won’t join with their normal roblox avatar. Also, like you mentioned, if you do Player.Character = KnightModel, will the player get the character of “KnightModel” with every animations? Thanks.

Also, isn’t Player:LoadCharacter() only for loading someone’s UserId? Like Player:LoadCharacter(“Player’s UserId”). Sorry, I didn’t use these script words before.

I think if it haves all the animations inside a script it will load the animations. I just tested Player.Character = [model] and you will have to fix the camera and remove the other character

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Player:LoadCharacter() works as respawning the character.
You will need to run at server.

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Do I need to put the model of the character in Workspace or ServerStorage?

now my camera is fixed, you will have to remove the old character.

i think it does not care, but you will have to clone the new character model because it will replace the player character with the new character model.

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ServerStorage is only accessible for ServerScripts. But any script can access to Workspace. As long as LocalScript cannot bypass themselves to the character, any way is ok!

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I scripted this, but it doesn’t work. Do you see any problem with the script? The output has one error saying "Character is not valid member of Players “Players”.

local character = game.Workspace.Dummy
local button = script.Parent
local player = game:GetService("Players")

function clicked()
	player.Character = character


player is a service…?? I think you meant for yourself not the service. You can get the player parameter using PlayerAdded event.

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My problem is that the player won’t have the character when the player clicked on the TextButton.

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The error prints

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There is a way to switch characters. Here’s a fairly simple tutorial:

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Did you change your script? But the issue is Players service is not a real player, it’s a service, and it does not have a children called Character inside, therefore it’s indexing nothing, instead, if it’s a real player, indexing the character will return the character in Workspace.

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Wait it’s unclear to me, if your struggling to make the GUI elements and the how to make shop system work or you just can’t change a players avatar…

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I changed my script to

local character = game.Workspace.Dummy
local button = script.Parent
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

function clicked()
	player.Character = character


I already have the shop gui, and the gui elements, but I don’t know how to change the player’s character to the character that the player bought.

I tried this before, but this isn’t what I want.

Changing the players character is actually kinda a little trickier said than done…
Have a look here, you must actually rig the player properly, just saying so it doesn’t cause future issues with compatibility between different rigs…

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