How can I make a character shop?

Did you change your script? But the issue is Players service is not a real player, it’s a service, and it does not have a children called Character inside, therefore it’s indexing nothing, instead, if it’s a real player, indexing the character will return the character in Workspace.

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Wait it’s unclear to me, if your struggling to make the GUI elements and the how to make shop system work or you just can’t change a players avatar…

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I changed my script to

local character = game.Workspace.Dummy
local button = script.Parent
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

function clicked()
	player.Character = character


I already have the shop gui, and the gui elements, but I don’t know how to change the player’s character to the character that the player bought.

I tried this before, but this isn’t what I want.

Changing the players character is actually kinda a little trickier said than done…
Have a look here, you must actually rig the player properly, just saying so it doesn’t cause future issues with compatibility between different rigs…

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You can change the player’s character by applying the Rig’s HumanoidDescription


Has to be in a server script

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Thats a lot better, suggestion to OP would be to actually make a complete server-side shop, to prevent hacking…
1. Hackers can’t see the code thus can handle currency much easily without having to look for ways to secure it
2. Shop management would be much simpler this way too…

How you may do it is create a button that fires a remote event to the server, server then replicates shop GUI from server storage… into players, PlayerGui… (make sure you do this in a module script… then assign all gui’s by player name to a dictionary… [example: GUIStorage[plr] = gui]
after this you can simply create a Remote Function and that way have a secure system :smiley:

server sided shop that i made

with leaderstats
LEADERS_Shop.rbxm (31,3 KB)
without leaderstats
NOLEADERS_Shop.rbxm (31,1 KB)

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I mean I wouldn’t recommend this, since that doesn’t do any of the things I said above.
Hackers can easily steal replicated storage items meaning they could simply clone the tools in replicated storage to their Player Backpack :confused:
It’s simple so I guess thats pretty nice about it but, if we are talking about security then I don’t see this being a good system…

Disabling scripts is very easy :eyes:

Can you disable server scripts, if you were an exploiter?
I’m unsure as to if you could, I could be wrong :confused:

You can disable server scripts if it’s available in the explorer when client-sided, but server scripts disabling on client sided does no effect and still runs.

Basically, you can disable the script but you can’t disable the behavior. It only marks it as disabled in client-sided.

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Sorry for the late reply, @LuaAlbi, @CreepingGamingTV, @Xapelize. Also for @LuaAlbi’s shop roblox file, it doesn’t open because it is in rbxm file instead of rbxl file.

Just drag the rbxm file into your studio…

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What do you mean by dragging? I thought it has to be rbxl file to open it in roblox studio.

Just drag the file that you downloaded into the the workspace of your studio and it should automatically download…

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I dragged the file into the workspace where all the games are, but it’s not showing.

Thanks, but the files won’t open because they are in a rbxm file instead of rbxl file.

No I said just drag into the this space here, I drew it

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