How can I make a special spawn effect from "ZOぞ"

So, I’ve been making a showcase game in the same style of a game called " ZOぞ" and in that game there is a special spawn forcefield that I find really cool. The only thing is, I can’t figure out how to recreate that effect. You can trigger the effect in the game by spawning in, and holding out your sword and pressing “R” or “F.”

Here’s a link to the game:

I really want to recreate that effect, it’s so cool! Thanks!

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Well It looks like it makes you about half transparent and then leaves a trail of your character behind you for a certain amount of time. So I would start by making the player invisible. If you need help just reply

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Yeah, I need some help, I don’t really even know where to start.

So in starter character scripts add a new script as something like this:

local char = script.Parent

   for _,part in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
        if part:IsA("BasePart") or part:IsA("MeshPart") and part.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
            part.Transparency = 0.5

This should make the player half transparent when they respawn after death

yoink Alright got that in there.

Wait, I have an error. It says that at line five it “Expected identifier when parsing expression, got Unicode character U+201c (did you mean ’ " ’ ?)”

I’m on mobile currently you have to change the quotes

I don’t see where you messed up, what quotes do I need to fix?

All of them scripts use different quotes then mobile

Change all of the: “ to these: "

I edited the script to use this quotes try it now

I’m getting an error on “BaseMesh,” not sure why. I didn’t get any fill-ins when I re-typed that, so there’s a possibility that it doesn’t exist in this scenario?

Try changing that to MeshPart like I said I’m currently on mobile so I forgot exactly what it should be I think it’s supposed to be MeshPart

Once again edited the script so that should fix it

Another error, apparently “Died” is not a valid member of Model “Workspace.Batmanissupercoolbro”

Sorry for all the problems due to mobile let me fix the script really quickly

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It’s alright, you’re still better than me lol. I couldn’t be doing this without you.

have i been abandoned
ah nevermind

No you have not been abandoned

Here is what the code should be to make the player transparent:

		for _,part in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
			if part:IsA("MeshPart") then
				print("Is a mesh")
				part.Transparency = 0.5
				print(part, part.Transparency)
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Odd, there are 0 errors but it isn’t working… I don’t see where you could’ve messed up.

I think I’ve found it. You didn’t specify what char means.

What the heck? It still doesn’t seem to be working, after I added “local char = script.Parent”
This belongs in StarterCharacterScripts right?