How can I make a special spawn effect from "ZOぞ"

Okay, would I want to make a LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts to do that? Or would I want it in the same script? oh lol I did it at the same time as you

No you would want to do it in the same script

Alright, how should I do that?

so delete the “wait(7)” from before and instead replace it with this:

–Clone Character every .1 seconds

	local count = 0 -- Make a new timer
	char.Archivable = true -- Set the characters Archivable property to true (so that we can clone them)

	while count <= 3 do -- 3 is the Amount of time until player turns fully visible again
		wait(0.1) -- Wait .1 seconds 
		count += 0.1 -- Add .1 to the count variable
		local newChar = char:Clone() -- Clone the character
		newChar.Parent = game.Workspace -- Set the cloned character's parent to the workspace
		newChar.Name = player.Name.."'s clone trail" -- Change the name of the clone
		newChar:FindFirstChild("Head").Name = "Head2" -- Change the name of the head of the clond so that the name text wont pop up above it
		for _, part in pairs(newChar:GetChildren()) do -- make a new loop
			if part:IsA("MeshPart") then
				part.Anchored = true --Set every part of the cloned character to be anchored
				part.CanCollide = false -- Set every part of the clone to be CanCollide false
		Debris:AddItem(newChar, 3) -- Finally destroy the clone 3 seconds later

Note: You need to make a Debris variable at the top of the script referencing the Debris Service Like this:
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")

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I chose 3 because I felt 7 seconds is way too long

The final code for all of these posts should be something like this:

local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")

		for _,part in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do -- make a new loop
			if part:IsA("MeshPart") then -- check if its a part
				part.Transparency = 0.5 -- Set the transparency to half
		--Clone Character every .5 seconds

		local count = 0 -- Make a new timer
		char.Archivable = true -- Set the characters Archivable property to true (so that we can clone them)

		while count <= 3 do -- 3 is the Amount of time until player turns fully visible again
			wait(0.1) -- Wait .1 seconds 
			count += 0.1 -- Add .1 to the count variable
			local newChar = char:Clone() -- Clone the character
			newChar.Parent = game.Workspace -- Set the cloned character's parent to the workspace
			newChar.Name = player.Name.."'s clone trail" -- Change the name of the clone
			newChar:FindFirstChild("Head").Name = "Head2" -- Change the name of the head of the clond so that the name text wont pop up above it

			for _, part in pairs(newChar:GetChildren()) do -- make a new loop
				if part:IsA("MeshPart") then
					part.Anchored = true --Set every part of the cloned character to be anchored
					part.CanCollide = false -- Set every part of the clone to be CanCollide false

			Debris:AddItem(newChar, 3) -- Finally destroy the clone 3 seconds later
		-- Return transparency
		for _,part in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do -- make a new loop
			if part:IsA("MeshPart") then -- check if its a part
				part.Transparency = 0 -- Return Transparency to 0 (normal)
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Also note this is before the loop that returns the parts to normal transparency. Also please read the comments so you understand the script instead of just copy-paste (not saying you weren’t)

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It seems that CanCollide is on, where would I want to put script to turn it off?

local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local HRp = char:WaitForChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)
local event =“Sparkles”, HRp) – make this ur thing u want to happen
idk what u mean and im too lazy to play that game but heres a thing that could help, and if it does then ur welcome!

Here you can find a demo: Spawn Effect.obj (3.5 KB)

I might try that out, but for now I’m just going to be using what ScriptingLegend is showing me. Thanks anyway!

It seems like the part.CanCollide = false didn’t work… I’m still able to climb on top of the clones.

I would do the same he is a scripting legend and a YT.


CanCollide cant be turned off on characters (I just found out due to players just falling through the ground) unless you use collision groups which is out of my reach of knowledge so I will unfortunately not be able to help anymore. At least I was able to help with the effects though.

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Alright. Thank you SO much for all of your help, can’t believe you’ve helped me for more than 20 posts. You are honestly awesome.

If this helped mark the final code as solution so others that will want to re-create this can know how!

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Thanks. No problem just really glad I could help out when no one else did and when I didn’t even know that game existed.

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Yeah, you should honestly check it out, it’s really fun!

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