I’m having trouble making something similar to this, I cant seem to figure out how to get the wood as shiny. Any tips ?
The only way I know how to make a material appear more/less shiny is to create my own, in this case using MaterialVariant. Just tweak the roughness map as needed to achieve the desired luster.
A trick that some do is to create a translucent glass part overlapping the wood, but I would recommend creating a MaterialVariant.
Been messing with PBR materials since the launch. Roughness is the determiner of sheen from what I can tell. I don’t remember if black or white maximizes/minimizes sheen, but it’s easy to mess around with: Just create a blank image and fill it with black, white, grey, which ever value you want. You could do the same with a map generated off the texture.
If you want an effect that, say, the Glass material provides you may have to adjust properties in Lighting, like diffuse.