How can I make certain parts unaffected by lighting?

I wanna achieve an effect like this.

Some parts would be unaffected by the Saturation change, how can I “whitelist” some parts?


if you want that part to show up no matter what lighting, put it on a surface gui and set the surfacegui’s lightinfluence property to 0 like this: lighting example.rbxl (21.3 KB)

if that’s not what you mean, parts also have a property ‘CastShadow’ which stops them from casting shadows because of the lighting

if neither of those are what you mean, lmk because im a dummy sometimes


When turning of the “CastShadow” property, the part in question is still affected by the saturation change.

Before Change

After Change


I want the part to be COMPLETELY unaffected by the lighting change as if it never happened.

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Pretty sure this question has been asked before, would help to search.

It’s not exactly possible to omit certain objects from lighting effects. You can hypothetically accomplish this with ViewportFrames but a lot of lighting properties are ignored so it’s not a completely genuine avoiding of post processing effects.

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That seems good enough for me, it isn’t supposed to be too realistic anyway.

So basically in a RenderStepped loop, I set the camera to be the player’s camera, that’d be all right?

Also, how would this be integrated with WorldModel | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub?

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No, simpler than that. Just need a transparent ViewportFrame with its CurrentCamera set to the Workspace CurrentCamera and then any parts that need to be omitted from the lighting can be parented or cloned into the ViewportFrame.

WorldModels are for if you need to simulate physics, animate, raycast or anything of the sort in a ViewportFrame. You use it the same way you use a regular model, except that its main use is to be put in a ViewportFrame.


one technique would be making the object neon and turning down bloom but that would change objects that are affected