I am trying to make a boat for my game but i do not know what i need to do as i have never worked on vehicles.
i am trying to use BodyAngularVelocity
but i cannot control it with a localscript using UserInputService. what should i do?
here is my current progress:
also, how would i use BodyVelocity
to make the boat go forwards no matter where it is?
worked out how to get it to move forwards, but still can’t steer
local DSeat = script.Parent.Parent.VehicleSeat
local SForce = script.Parent.BodyGyro
local Engine = script.Parent.BodyThrust
speed = 5000
SteerSpeed = 25
local RotateSpeed = 5
local Rotation = 0
if p == "ThrottleFloat"then
Engine.Force = Vector3.new(0,0,speed * DSeat.ThrottleFloat)
if p == "SteerFloat"then
while DSeat.SteerFloat ~= 0 do
local deltaTime = wait()
SForce.CFrame = SForce.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,deltaTime* RotateSpeed * -DSeat.SteerFloat,0)
i am using a global script for this
Personally I don’t like using .Changed
local TValue = 0;
local SValue = 0;
TValue = DSeat.ThrottleFloat;
SValue = DSeat.SteerFloat;
Engine.Force = Vector3.new(0, 0, speed * TValue)
SForce.CFrame = DSeat.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(RotateSpeed * -SValue), 0)
end) -- this is just how I'd handle something of the nature. Your equation should have worked tho; maybe you need math.rad(deltaTime * RotateSpeed * DSeat.SteerFloat)
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ok, thanks. i will test it now
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If that doesn’t work, would you mind showing me your settings for the BodyGyro.
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it works but i still need to work out why it wont turn
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Ah yes, there is an easy fix to this problem then. Your Y value in the torque is set to 0. Try changing that MaxTorque to 0, 1, 0
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hmm… my steering is inverted
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Just remove the “-” from DSeat.Value or SValue
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ok, lets a test. fingers crossed
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it works. any idea how i can stop it moving on anything other than water?
What does the terrain look like, is it part based or smooth terrain?
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both, i am using parts for some areas such as a boat landing area and the beach is terrain
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How about the water, part based or terrain? Because if a primary part of the map is smooth terrain you may want to use RayCasting in the 4 cardinal directions along as downwards; to check for a hitPart, hitPosition and or MaterialType and then compare it to the water if it’s not the water then you’d set your lock function to true and stop the boat from moving.
There are also many things you may want to take into account, say they can’t move forwards because something is blocking the forward path, you may want to look into ways of allowing them to still go backwards. Sometimes a good boat system can get rather complex, rather quick.
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water is terrain, i cba to make water out of parts. the boat can reverse already
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and how would i do camera manipulation to a custom camera while driving? i am used to still cameras. would i use render stepped?
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To make a custom Camera you’d need to use RenderStepped along with Enum.CameraType.Scriptable, if you know the decent cframe for it then it shouldn’t be too bad; just don’t forget to change it back when you to their previous camera settings when they leave the seat.
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yea, ok. thanks for your help.
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how would i use raycast to detect terrain? i have only used it in gun frameworks
tried this:
local RayCast = Ray.new(Boat.RayFrom.CFrame.p, (Boat.RayBlock.CFrame.p - Boat.RayFrom.CFrame.p).unit * 100)
local ignore = {}
local part, position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(RayCast, ignore, false, true)
if part ~= "RayBlock" then
print("Ray Blocked")
but it didnt work
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