How can i patch the item speed glitch?

Recently, i discovered a new glitch that happens in my game: the Item Speed Glitch.

This issue is that, when you do the /e dance2 and then you equip a tool and hold W and D, then your character will have his speed incremented. Tutorial video: How To R15 Speed Glitch in Roblox - YouTube
(you can also check Welding or unwelding a part to a humanoid can cause a speed glitch)

I already tried to remove or add collisions to the tool, but it doesn’t work.
Anyways, that’s all i have to say, ig

Have a good day

have you tried making all parts of the tool massless?

In the post of mine you linked, there is a model that fixes it, place it in StarterPlayerScripts. It used to only work on R6, but I have modified it to work with R15. Make sure to make all your tools massless or the fix won’t work properly.

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Thank you so much, it works extremely well lol. well uhh, thank you and have an amazing day :smiley:

No way I searched on Google the same question and it redirected me to my own post. That’s crazy

Here is solution from my version of Animate, here is the code

function OnChildAdded(Child)
 if Child:IsA("Tool") and Child:FindFirstChild("Handle") then
		local Root = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		if Root then	
			------------------------------------Anti Tool Speed glitch--------------------------------------------
			local Phys = Root.CurrentPhysicalProperties
			Root.CustomPhysicalProperties = - 0.01, Phys.Friction, Phys.Elasticity, Phys.FrictionWeight, Phys.ElasticityWeight)
			Root.CustomPhysicalProperties = Phys
