Hello! I made Viewmodel, but It has a problem.

^ This is the Viewmodel and server view when I looking at the horizon.
We can see that there are almost no problems.

^ But when I look at the sky, Viewmodel still has no problem. BUT here you can see that the Viewmodel doesn’t replicating correctly on the server.
I fixed the view model to the character’s head to see the problem.
(Green is the viewmodel, and Orange is original character)
And I noticed that the viewmodel’s arms and the character’s arms were not perfectly replicated.
So the problem is
The gun is fixed to Head with a motor6d.
But Character’s arms fixed to UpperTorso. So there is some error.
How to place the Character’s arm in the same position as the Viewmodel’s arm?
(sorry for wierd english i’m not use english)
Any help appreciated!