How can I put my Friends on a Team?

Hello! I’m AridOats. As follows is my Question.

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I would like my Friends on Roblox to get a Friends Team. I believe this requires a Roblox API, but I have been looking for tutorials for so long and have found nothing.

  2. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have tried to put them singularly in a Script, one by one, but that’s tiresome and I do not want to update the Script every time I get a new Friend.

Thanks, AridOats.

Try something like game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr)

Then make it so if the plr.Name == one of your friends name then plr.Team = friends

What you could do is player:GetFriendsOnline whenever a new player joins, if the player that joins is a friend, add them to the friends team

Players:GetFriendsAsync is a page based API.

What I assume you’re trying to do is getting your friends and put them onto a team, we can do this by adding this data to a table

I’ll use the page iterator from the wiki

function iterPageItems(pages)
	return coroutine.wrap(function()
		local pagenum = 1
		while true do
			for _, item in ipairs(pages:GetCurrentPage()) do
				coroutine.yield(item, pagenum)
			if pages.IsFinished then
			pagenum = pagenum + 1

We can then wrap that into a for loop so we can iterate over your friends

local Players = game:GetService("Players") --gets the players service
local FriendPages = Players:GetFriendsAsync(PLAYER_ID) --gets your friends, make sure to replace PLAYER_ID with your user ID
local Friends = {}

--wrap the friends into a dictionary
for item in iterPageItems(FriendPages) dO
  Friends[item.Id] = true

Finally, we bind an event that listens for player additions and checks if their userid is in the list we just created

  if Friends[p.UserId] then
    --set their .Team property to the team

Hopefully, this helps

Relevant Documentation
