Hey! I am trying to scan a user’s profile for any on-sale gamepass made by them. It would of course have to look across their games and find one that’s for sale. I am somewhat familiar with how I can search for their on-sale clothing, but cant figure out how to do it with gamepasses.
I want to be able to showcase buttons that’ll prompt the user’s gamepass purchase and the button will also have a text label displaying how much it costs.
I’ve looked around for a bit but cant figure this out. I would be willing to pay someone a bit of Robux if they could assist me on how to do this.
My Discord is liamm#0007 if you would like to message me there.
You would have to use external APIs and a proxy server, since requests to roblox’s domain (roblox.com) in studio or the client will not work. You will need to JSON Decode the responses
limit specifies how many at most should it display in a single request. Note that it only allows: 10, 25 and 50
From the response, you will have a data attribute which contains an array of objects that represents the place. You will need the id attribute which represents the game’s universe id for the following endpoint:
This also has a data attribute that contains an array of objects representing each of the gamepasses’ information. Each object contains a name attribute which is the name of the gamepass and a price attribute which is the price of the gamepass