How can my "setting up the town scene" be improved?

Hello! I am currently working on a train scene, where the player sets up his or hers town.


After the fade in white, they teleport to their new town.
Their town will be completely blank, maybe a few rivers or hills, but that will all be randomized.


  • Ability to use their DisplayName or Username
  • Choose towns name (With a filter)

If you find a little flaw, please let me know what it is so I can take a look at it. It can be a UI flaw, scripting flaw, or even a building flaw, or even you want something to be changed or be different.

Please let me know, thanks, WE!


Will the tagged out names be accepted if they press I’m sure? Or will it be declined?

It will be accepted. The popup after clicking confirm is so they can review their name after it was filtered.

I would just decline the name entirely, I’m sure some people will be pissed when then accidently press I’m sure. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the intent of the screen is to make sure people don’t get pissed if they were to name their town “Discordland”.

But people could still press I’m sure. I would just have a popup that says “This name isn’t appropriate for Roblox”.

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The scene looks great, although the music was too loud. Anyways one thing I would change is where in the gui it says “2”, change it to “two”, it just makes the text look nicer imo. Other than that you did a great job on this!

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The subway or train is too blocky, you should add more detail and round objects on it

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Very nice scene, though as Shadow said, you could add some more detail to the train, possibly making it more rounded.

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Very nice, great job!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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*snaps fingers* I understood that reference.

I think it looks very nice! The music is kind of loud, but I love how it looks so far!

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I recommend you to add some textures on the ceiling and make it so the camera is closer to the character. Pretty good otherwise though.

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This intentionally reminds me of animal crossing, if you need builders, etc or testers, I am here.

Also, with the sort of style of the intro I feel it would be better for you to do a low poly cartoony style.


The subway is good! although, the guys feet clip through the seat a bit. but other then that, Its good!

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I don’t really like how you mixed 2 Gui styles . Other than that looks good

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It looks fantastic! But that train looks too big in proportion to the npc, make it smaller anyway it’s an amazing scene!