How do games tell if the Roblox datastore is down

So before the website fully crashed, I noticed a few games has splash screens like “The data couldn’t be loaded since Datastores are down”. How did the games do this? Any help is appreciated.

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well i did see this Status+ Revamped - Improved Outage Tracking and FFlag updates, all on Discord and in a bot! - Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox

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local DowntimeService = require(6317978171) -- Or require by using the file path. (Requiring by ID is better for quicker updates.)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

-- Example #1: Kicking Players if Datastores are down.

    if DowntimeService:GetDatastoreAPIStatus() == "down" then
        player:Kick("Datastores are currently down. To prevent critical errors we have kicked you. If this issue persits please contact the game owner. =")

-- Example #2 Printing latest tests if something is down or not. 

while true do
if DowntimeService:GetSiteStatus() == "down" then

   warn("Roblox Website is Currently Down! Please be patient while Roblox works on a fix! :)") 

elseif DowntimeService.GetSiteStatus() == "degraded" then
    print("Roblox Website is Currently slow! Please be patient while Roblox works on it! :)")
elseif DowntimeService:GetSiteStatus() == "up" then
    print("Roblox website is currently up!")

The better way to do this instead of relying on a third party tool (not to say using a third party tool is a good second check, but I wouldn’t use it as the only one)

Instead, use pcalls (protected calls) to datastores, and see whether they fail or succeed. If a certain call fails enough times (and you have valid budget, which can be checked), it is safe to assume that the APIs are currently downgraded.

update: this wont work anymore as i think status plus moved

Status+ Revamped - Improved Outage Tracking and FFlag updates, all on Discord and in a bot! - Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox

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