How do I come up with unique game ideas?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to make unique games

  1. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!

I’m struggling to come up with any.

  1. What solutions have you thought of so far?

Looking at off-platform games, checking devforum tutorials on how to make up these ideas. But nothing is clicking.


You can come up with unique game ideas from many things. It would most likely by what genre you like playing.

What do you like to play? If you like to play Escape games, you can make up a game idea about escaping something(eg. a Schoolhouse, a Mall, a City, a Hotel, etc.). If you like to play Roleplay games, you can make up a game idea about roleplaying in a map with lots of roleplaying actions you can do.


Thanks for the advice but, the problem is. Most games I play would not become very successful. I want to find a balance between something I would enjoy and profit.

The games I play sit at around 100-200 players so yeah. They’re mostly fighting games.

But an issue with that is, even if those games I play are successful. I can only script and do UI. These games I play require alot of models, animation, and some vfx.

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You can hire developers to work on models, animations and VFX.

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I don’t have enough funding + there’s always a chance of scamming taking place.


Watch movies and tv shows or even cartoons


You need to make a core game that will not flaw. It has to be nicely done and thought thoroughly
. i hope i spelt that right

That is not hard to learn. Im sure you can find some blender tutorials that will help you learn

My conclusion is that you can either get inspired to start a new project or one day you might have an idea. You are not an AI to instantly activate your braincells so you can suddenly think of a perfect game idea.

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Roblox before had Accelerator program where they would give developers money,website items and etc but they discontinued program in 2022 now that roblox has grew alot you will need some form of funding to at least finish game and you would also need funding to market the game and build the community

Try finding a tutorial on how to do GUIs and you can learn a lot while making your game.

Also, models, animation, and VFX isn’t very hard to learn. Once you get used to it, you will find it easier to model, animate and do VFX.

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I’ll try this, but again a big issue with this especially on netflix is that most of them can only be made as story games which die off most of the time. I could be wrong though

My friend recently sponsored a game with 5k robux, most of it was earned from afk sessions in pls donate


Also, once you have your game set up(with game passes), if your game gets popular, then that means people will purchase your gamepass and eventually you’ll get enough robux and you will be able to hire developers(just look out for scams). I have a game with 1 million visits, and earned 53k robux with a kinda cheap gamepass price


It’s best to learn to do things yourself, that way you dont have to rely on someone so they can make something that you desperately need for your game

there were survival games back in the days in roblox that were inspired by movies and got so popular roblox decided to make a toy for them but you still would need some form of funding to build the playerbase and market the game

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to get sales he would have to finish game and than build community and get people to play the game and all that requires money and time if you dont have money you wont be able to grow

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Yeah, I agree. But maybe if the OP wants a developer, the OP can use the method into getting robux.

you wont be able to hire anyone good with 5k when it comes to funding i suggest creating something and finding investor to invest into the idea or do commissions

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Haven’t gotten so lucky, barely got a few hundred after months.

I’ve tried looking for commissions on hiddendevs but they fall into these problems usually:

A: they are upon completion for multiple tasks likely a scam
B: the pay isnt worth the work
C: absolutely exhausting to make

there are so many commissions i see in #scripter-hiring on that server. but i just cant find good ones for some reason.

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I’ve tried getting into blender and all these things but the problem is i’m generally not a good designer, I’ve always struggled with art irl and that hasn’t really changed in roblox.

Speaking of AI, I tried asking AI for unique ideas but it also failed by giving ideas that have already been made or if it did make unique ideas they were just awful.

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