So I have a part, which I want people to be able to put windows on, similar to bloxburg. This way would make a union where the window should be and place the window. I was wondering if bloxburg creates unions because that is impossible, so I want to know how they do that.
You can use
where BasePart
is the part you want to union, and the parts in the OtherPartTable are the parts BasePart
will union with.
For example:
local part = workspace.Part1
local otherParts = {workspace.Part2, workspace.Part3, workspace.Part4}
local newUnion = part:UnionAsync(otherParts)
Alternatively, if you want to subtract from a part, you can use BasePart:SubtractAsync(OtherPartsTable)
for example:
local part = workspace.Part1
local otherParts = {workspace.Part2, workspace.Part3, workspace.Part4}
local newUnion = part:SubtractAsync(otherParts)
For more information:
Is there a way to Un Union with a script?
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