How do I hide chat logs?

Simple and normal question, How do I hide chat logs? Do not answer with coregui, coregui hides the entire chat.


Can you give more info? What do you mean by chat log?

You know the chat box right, the chat box where you type, I want to hide the logs of it, so basically when someones types you can’t see it in the chat box, but you can see it in the chat bubbles

If I’ve understood your question correctly, you’re aiming to disable/hide the chat box and have it so only bubble chat is enabled, without users being able to see the chats in the top left corner.

The most efficient way that I’ve previously used is to:

  1. Begin by entering Roblox Studio and play testing your game.
  2. Enter the “Chat” dropdowns in your explorer and copy “ClientChatModules”. (Ctrl/Cmd + C)
  3. Exit out of play test and right click “Chat” in your explorer, and click “Paste into”

Since you’re out of play test, the only child property in “Chat” should be the pasted “ClientChatModules” folder. We’re almost finished!

Enter the “ChatSettings” module, and look for line 28.

module.ClassicChatEnabled = PlayersService.ClassicChat

Change this line to:

module.ClassicChatEnabled = false

To enable the newest, update BubbleChat, head over to “Chat” in explorer, and check the BubbleChatEnabled option.

Let me know if it works!


You are on to the right tracks i’m pretty sure, I tried that but just like coregui, it disables the whole chat

When you first create a game on the Roblox website, it ask if you want to enable classic chat, and you should enable that only

what do you mean, i disable everything but classic chat?

Try this :smiley:

This worked for me